I've been building a few 6disk boxes for VirtualBox servers, and I am also 
surveying how I will add more disks as these boxes need it.  Looking around on 
the HCL, I see the Lycom PE-103 is supported.  That's just 2 more disks, I'm 
typically going to want to add a raid-z w/spare to my zpools, so I need at 
least 4 disks, and I'd prefer to build boxes with multi-lane esata expansion 
and put either 5 or 10 disks in them for expansion.

There are lots of devices on the lycom web site at http://www.lycom.com.tw.
The device at http://www.lycom.com.tw/st126rm.htm looks very attractive for 
bolting on to computer cases that are housing additional drives.

That device says that the PE-102 can be used for multi-lane connectivity.  Is 
multi-lane working in solaris, and since the PE-102 seems to have the same 
chipset as the PE-103, would it work on OpenSolaris?
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