Re: [ZION] Video Amusement (was: Gods and Generals)

2003-07-24 Thread Bill Johnson
As for the movie, the South lost 138 years ago, get on with live.
This is almost like Oliver Stone making another movie about Vietnam.

I'll let you know about the League. Right now, my husband is with a friend
catching a matinee of it. I'll get him to tell me what he thought of it
and I'll let you know. Meanwhile, I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean and
I loved it! My mom loved it, too.

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 From: John W. Redelfs 
 Date: 7/17/2003 2:42:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [ZION] Video Amusement (was: Gods and Generals)

 Chet Cox wrote:
 And of course we want to go see *the League of Veryordinary Gentlemen* 
 since a friend told us it wasn't as bad as the comic.

 This movie played briefly here in Ketchikan, and I wanted to go see it
 it was replaced by Terminator 3 before I had a chance. Was it any 
 good? If it was, I'll buy the DVD when it comes out, but otherwise 
 no. What did you like or dislike about it?

 John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is no place in this work for those who believe only
 in the gospel of doom and gloom. The gospel is good
 news. It is a message of triumph. --Gordon B. Hinckley
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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Re: [ZION] Having One's Calling and Election Made Sure and ...

2003-07-17 Thread Bill Johnson
I don't think one will know for sure that their election has been made sure until one 
has died. As long as we live and breathe, we are sinning. A scripture that says 
something to the effect of: All has sinned and has come short of the glory of God is 
very true. 
It comes down to the thought that if you are sinning, how for heavens sake cane one 
have their calling made sure? You can't at least in this life time.

Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't buy that completely as that could be the test of any age or era.


At 06:28 AM 07/17/2003 -0500, you wrote:

At 07:16 AM 7/17/03 -0400, Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
At 01:55 PM 7/13/2003 -0500, St Stacy wrote:
What would such a test consist of? Physical 
endurance? Brainwashing? Torture or something less diabolical such as 
integrity? What about martyrdom? Can we have any stories?

I wonder if for many of us the test may not be being asked to endure 
torture or kill someone, but may be more like enduring to the end 
despite things such as chronic illness, handicap, poverty, loneliness, 
etc. . . .

--Ronn! :)

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Re: [ZION] Goodbye

2003-06-14 Thread Bill Johnson
When you consider why people leave certain lists, I find you must consider the other 
lists (if any) a person may review.
Although, I consider myself a lurker, I'm a member of about 10 other mormon related 
lists, and I like this one the best.
When you consider what is being said on some of the yahoo groups, like thinker, 
polygomy, libertarian, etc; this is the most tame one that I have come across.

Scott McGee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steven asked: Why leave the list because of the few?

I completely understand Gary's reasons for leaving. Once upon a time, 
this list was place where we met together with friends and discussed the 
gospel and all kinds of other things. It was a great source pleasure and 
an opportunity to meet many new friends too.

Now, however, the list has changed to be more of a debating society. It 
is a place where people come to debate and contend with each other about 
gospel related (usually) subjects.

Like Gary, I have thought of leaving the list. The major reason I have 
not is that there continue to be a number of good friends (like Gary, 
also JWR, ELF, Grandpa Bill, and many others) who post occasional notes. 
I enjoy this association with them, even though it is often hidden among 
the other posts. I would probably have already left the list if volume 
weren't so much lower than I can afford to wade through the rubbish 
looking for my friends.

The list, as a whole, brings me no more of the joy it once did. I just 
loath losing touch with my friends.

Oh, one more point. I used to read each and every post to the list. Even 
when there were were hundreds a day! When you start skipping threads and 
such, however, you start to lose interest in most of the day to day 
chatter that makes up the list. THat is the biggest problem with those 
who say if you don't like this discussion, just delete it! Once you 
start that, the list becomes just a list of email messages, not a 
community to you. That is what has happened to me, and why, one day, I 
will likely leave too.


I'd rather be riding!
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