[ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
Well, I'm guessing that Canada will eventually evolve into one.   

Europe and Asia seem to be going into a globalization realm, so I think
their nation states will eventually just be states/provinces in a giant

This I fear, though. It is too easy for a Hitler to step into power, and
with non armies to oppose, would wield power throughout the world.
Benevolently when possible, ruthlessly when necessary.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To complicate the question, one might also ask what is the future of
nation-states in general?

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[ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-16 Thread Stacy Smith
What is your current belief concerning the United States?  Does it need to 
be destroyed in its present form--White House, Congressional buildings, 
Pentagon, etc., as Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden think or should it 
remain with its current governmental structural architecture?  I know that 
the Constitutional government should remain, but there could be a radical 
change in administration if all our forms of government become much smaller 
due to the House and Senate leadership being destroyed by these 
characters.  Will the future Congress be holding sessions in the parking lot?


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Re: [ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-16 Thread Stacy Smith
I guess I'm referring to the next couple of years or so.


At 06:05 PM 11/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:

To complicate the question, one might also ask what is the future of
nation-states in general?

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