Hi zones experts,

I have a couple exclusive ip zones using IPv6. One is the "router" (tunnel host) and is dual stacked IPv4 and IPv6 running a 6 in 4 tunnel to Hurricane Electric, and the other is a simple web server.

I am trying to create another simple web server that is on a shared-ip type of zone. The global zone is not on IPv6 at all. When I try to set the defrouter attribute of the net device, it complains that IPv6 addresses require a /prefex-length suffix, but then (presumably due to that suffix) it fails to add the default route.

I tried editing the XML file directly to remove the /64, but it still says its unable to set the route for interface (blah) to (ipv6-gateway- ip).

Am I doing something wrong here? Has this been tested (local zone on (routable) IPv6, global zone not)?

Thanks in advance,
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