
HBase 0.20.4 has entered Debian unstable, should slide into testing after the 
usual 14 day period and will therefor most likely be included in the upcomming 
Debian Squeeze.


Please note, that this packaging effort is still very much work-in-progress 
and not yet suitable for production use. However the aim is to have a rock 
solid stable HBase in squeeze+1 respectively in Debian testing in the next 
months. Meanwhile the HBase package in Debian can raise HBase's visibility and 
lower the entrance barrier.

So if somebody wants to try out HBase (on Debian), it is as easy as:

aptitude install zookeeperd hbase-masterd

In other news: zookeeper is in Debian testing as of today.

Best regards,

Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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