[Zope-dev] Excluding meta_types

2000-10-21 Thread Morten W. Petersen

When I'm building a class which inherits from the OFS.Folder.Folder, how
do I exlude the meta_types it brings with it (if it's there they come

In other words, if I have a class, with meta_type 'MessageFilterFolder',
which should only be able to contain instances of meta_type 'MessageFilter',
what do I do (i.e. exlude all the other meta_types)?

Thanks in advance.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] I wonder how to access a zope siet

2000-10-21 Thread robert

Hi there,
I started to work through the Zope tutorial as layed out in the Content
Manager Guide.
I came across a coupple of problems I am seeking help for:

1. Stan (the tutorial avatar) is told to create a ZAcme folder in his root
folder. Where is Stans root folder? If it is just the folder which is
accessed when Stan logs in why is it not displayed in any of the screenshots
in the tutorial. I have the impression the rest of the screenshots are very
2. How do I access any of the folders from outside the management screen? I
tried to use Http://localhost/ZAcme for the tutorial site, but only get an
accesserror thrown at me by IE5.
3.Do I have to create the tutorialals pages in Stans root folder or in the
ZAcme folder?

Thank you for helping a newby of a great product.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Acquisitive

2000-10-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Jerry,

I'm guessing the the problem is that

dtml-xxx;  does an implicit "html_quote" format
on whatever expression you provide.. so 

table dtml-set_table_0;

 should produce:

table border=quot;0quot; cellpadding=quot;0quot; cellspacing=quot;0quot;

Which the browser doesn't grok 


table dtml-var set_table_0


 "JS" == Spicklemire, Jerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JS Hi Zope Fans,

JS I ran into an odd quirk today, and I'm hoping someone has an
JS insight to share. There is a simple text string stored as a
JS DTML Method, with ID = "set_table_0", e.g.:

JS 'border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"'

JS When set_table_0 is in the Zope root folder, it isn't
JS discovered through normal acquisition, but no error occurs.

JS table dtml-set_table_0;

JS creates a table with defaults, e.g. border is visible.

JS However, when set_table_0 is moved to a subfolder of the Zope
JS root folder, with the name "table_settings", and the reference
JS is made like so:

JS table %dtml-table_settings[set_table_0];

JS the DTML Method is found successfully, and the table border
JS isn't displayed.

JS The question is, why is the folder "table_settings" found in
JS the Zope Root Folder, but not the method?

JS Does Acquisition give higher preference to folders
JS (container), objects than a DTML Method?

JS Thanks, Jerry S.

JS ___ Zope maillist
JS - [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope **
JS No cross posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
JS http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
JS http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Strings, Names and dtml-var

2000-10-21 Thread swallace

Ok, Being fairly new at Zope, I am really confused, I think I have 
looked through all the FAQs, How to's, examples, and what ever, but 
I still can not get the right combination to get this to work (many 
combinations tried :-)...). The basic intent is to easily change a 
property "color_source" in a directory that will cause the "color1" 
property to be looked up from a different directory. The directory 
name "default" could be one of many that holds different color 
themes. Thanks in advance.
This does not work: get_color method
dtml-let myname="'Colors.'+color_source+'.color1'"
   dtml-var expr="_[myname]"
This works:
dtml-var "Colors.default.color1" which renders #FF
get_color = a method, /Business/Base/get_color
color_selection = a property in the current directory containing 
the string "default" without quotes
Colors = a folder, /Business/Colors
default = a folder, /Business/Colors/default
color1 = is a property under default containing the string 
"#FF" without quotes
Zope = 2.2.2
OS = Win98
***Error Message
Error Type: KeyError
Error Value: Colors.default.color1

Troubleshooting Suggestions
This resource may be trying to reference a nonexistent object 
or variable Colors.default.color1. 
The URL may be incorrect. 
The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect. 
A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering 
an error. 

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Help needed with news articles

2000-10-21 Thread Taco Scargo

Unfortunately nobody responded, so I am reposting this question again. I
just need a link to an example or explanation.

Basically I want to create a page listing the last 4 articles from a Zope
folder. The articles need a publish from/to field, title and (dtml) text. I
somehow need to be able to find and display the article from another dtml
document. I read many FAQs and tried working with zcatalogs, but somehow I
am not getting there. It is probably not so difficult. If there is somebody
how can help me or give me a link to a clear explanation or example I would
be very very grateful. Thanks !


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Help needed with news articles

2000-10-21 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Taco,

How about something like this:

dtml-var standard_html_header
dtml-let articleList="[]"

dtml-in "objectValues(['DTML Document'])" sort=bobobase_modification_time
dtml-call "articleList.append(_['sequence-item'])"

dtml-in "articleList[-4:]" reverse
dtml-var sequence-item

dtml-var standard_html_footer

 "Taco" == Taco Scargo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Taco Unfortunately nobody responded, so I am reposting this
Taco question again. I just need a link to an example or
Taco explanation.

Taco Basically I want to create a page listing the last 4
Taco articles from a Zope folder. The articles need a publish
Taco from/to field, title and (dtml) text. I somehow need to be
Taco able to find and display the article from another dtml
Taco document. I read many FAQs and tried working with zcatalogs,
Taco but somehow I am not getting there. It is probably not so
Taco difficult. If there is somebody how can help me or give me a
Taco link to a clear explanation or example I would be very very
Taco grateful. Thanks !

Taco Taco

Taco ___ Zope
Taco maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taco http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope ** No cross
Taco posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
Taco http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
Taco http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Request for donation of site. Linux Router Project

2000-10-21 Thread Dave Cinege

I'm lead dev for the Linux Router Project. (LRP is a powerful thin-server OS
that taks up less then 2MB of boot space)

As you can see http://www.linuxrouter.org/ is not exactly what you
would call an amazing site. 

I've played with zope a little bit and really like it, but I lack both the time
to learn zope, and any general artistic ability.  : 

The project has become quite large and yet we lack a 'professional' web
pressence, as well as disorganized documentation. I'd like to see the LRP site
'zopified' with a portal flare. Some thing that would really have is devs (and
users) being able to build up a FAQ's and docs online. The more extensive the
better, but I'd be happy if someone stepped forward with something 'nice'. (IE
basic zopification plus a touch up on graphics)

Any person/company willing to take on this endeavor will recieve a plug on the
LRP sponsors page if they so desire. Hey it may even look good on resume.

Please mail me personally if you're interested.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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