Hello all-

Being new to ZClasses, I'm having some difficulties.
I have a ZClass NetShowLogFile.  I can add this to normal Folder Objects
through the management interface.
I have a second ZClass StreamingEvent.  I would like an user to be able to
add a NetShowLogFile to an existing Folder Object logs inside

 L__logs (folder object)
 L__newNetShowLogFile (DTML method)
 L__newNetShowLogFileForm (DTML method)

If I have a BigEvent StreamingEvent and a user goes to:
They get a form where they upload a log file through a <form
action="newNetShowLogFile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
If newNetShowLogFile only says:
<dtml-var REQUEST>
none of the form variables are passed by NS6.

1)Netscape 6 (WINNT 4) is not passing REQUEST properly when the form enctype
is multipart/form-data.  Anybody else seen this?  IE5.5 seems to get it


newNetShowLogFile looks like this:
<dtml-if "REQUEST.has_key('id')">
  <dtml-with logs>
    <dtml-with "manage_addProduct['NetShowLogFile']">
      <dtml-var "NetShowLogFile_add(_.None, _, REQUEST)">
  Netscape lost the REQUEST again.

This calls NetShowLogFile_add in the same way the management UI does.
However, IE  is not able to do the <dtml-call
I keep getting the error that I am unauthorized to access
manage_editProperties. I don't know which permissions I need to adjust on
the ZClass.

Thanks for reading my long email.  In case you are curious, I am writing a
Zope/Python-based streaming media log file analyzer.

Troy Farrell
Video Operations Technician III
Williams VYVX Services
918.573.1441 fax

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