Hello everyone,

WebFaction (formerly Python-Hosting.com) have just released a screencast
demo of their control panel.
The 6 minute demo shows how you can setup a Rails, WordPress, Django and
TurboGears application in a few clicks, and then "mount" these applications
on various domain(s)/URL(s).
The one-click installer already supports all major tools, including Rails,
WordPress, Djano, TurboGears, Zope, Plone, Trac and Subversion, but also
lightweight tools such as static HTML, CGI or PHP.

Even though Zope itself is not shown in the demo, it is supported in the
one-click installer so its installation works just like the other

We already hosts hundreds of Zope and Plone sites.

The demo is available at: http://blog.webfaction.com/control-panel-demo

http://www.webfaction.com  - Hosting for an agile web

PS: WebFaction offers free Trac/Subversion hosting for all open-source python projects. We already host more than 200 of them.

Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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