You are correct, you're ZClass is not rendering the dtml and it wont. The
easiest way I found is simply not to try and find another solution. I came
across the same problem a while ago when I was just starting out with Zope.

I have solved the problem now, its written in python and derives from
DTMLDocument and its based on the ZWiki code which accomplishes rendering
quite well.

----- Original Message -----
From: "James W. Howe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 11:50 AM
Subject: [Zope] DTML/ZClass question

> I have a ZClass that I created to hold information about a person.  The
> object has two attributes at the moment, name and bio.  Elsewhere I have a
> page layout which makes reference to a "pageContents" value.  I want to
> display my person objects using this layout but the object doesn't have a
> pageContents attribute.  I added a pageContents method to the ZClass which
> references my "bio" property.  The bio information appears, but if the bio
> text contains any dtml, the raw dtml code is displayed (actually it's not
> visible except if you do a "View Source").  I'm assuming that what is
> happening is that somehow my "bio" information isn't being rendered, but
> being returned intact as a string which ultimately gets stuck in my
> page.  My question is this, what is the recommended way to create an
> "alias" for a property defined in a ZClass?
> Thanks.
> James W. Howe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Allen Creek Software, Inc. pgpkey:
> Ann Arbor, MI  48103
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