On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 18:17:38 -0700, David Bear wrote:

> I have a zope instance listening on localhost. I use apache and fastcgi to
> reach zope. Now I would like to provide webdav. Since my apache is already
> doing ssl, I wanted webdav connections to also go through apache.
> when I use cadaver and connect to my zope zope through apache, all works
> well even though I have specified in my zope.conf file that  webdav listen
> on localhost:8088 (it seems that cadaver is smart enough working through the
> fastcgi interface to just work).
> When attempting to using dreamweaver mx or windows webfolders to connect to
> zope I get an error.
> So I attempted to use an apache proxy pass directive to campture all urls at
> myzopeserver.edu:8088/webdav back to localhost:8088. This had no effect.
> cadaver was still able to work. Dreamweaver (using webdav site setup) and
> windows webfolders still failed.
> What deep magic do I need to make dav work through apache? ( would prefer to
> have all things go through fastcgi but I understand the trend is to use
> proxy-pass )

I believe this patch is required if using recent WinXP, due to Microsoft
webdav breakages:


It fixed webdav for web folder for me. Add the extra line into the OPTIONS
method of the file mentioned, where other headers are being set.

-- Sam.

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