Re: [Zope] Security for objects being called

2008-09-17 Thread Paul Winkler
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 08:55:33AM -0400, Thibaud Morel l'Horset wrote:
 Thanks for the response Paul. I don't see a Proxy tab on Page Templates
 though, only DTML methods: do I need to install an additional product for
 that? or is it configured somewhere else for Templates?

Oops, right you are. Templates don't have proxy roles.

One obvious workaround: Add a dtml method that consists only of
dtml-var test.  Make this dtml method anonymously viewable, and give
it a proxy role of Authenticated.

Then make your real template, and the script it calls, both viewable
only by Authenticated.


Paul Winkler
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Re: [Zope] Security for objects being called

2008-09-17 Thread Dieter Maurer
Thibaud Morel l'Horset wrote at 2008-9-15 19:44 -0400:
  I'm trying to figure out how to prevent certain zope objects from being
called directly but allow them to be called from another object.

  Here is an example:
  You have a ZPT page, let's originally call it 'test'
  test calls a Script(Python) 'script'

Your options:

 * check in script that is was not called directly via the Web.
   You can do this by checking against REQUEST['PUBLISHED'].

 * give your script a non-None index_html attribute
   Then, this index_html is called when accessed from the Web;
   otherwise, the scripts __call__ is called.

 * give your script and its __call__ method an empty docstring.

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Re: [Zope] Security for objects being called

2008-09-16 Thread Paul Winkler
On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 07:44:58PM -0400, Thibaud Morel l'Horset wrote:
 Hello all,
   I'm trying to figure out how to prevent certain zope objects from being
 called directly but allow them to be called from another object.
   Here is an example:
   You have a ZPT page, let's originally call it 'test'
   test calls a Script(Python) 'script'
   I want any anonymous user to be able to call 'test' from the web but not
 'script'. However, I want 'test' to call 'script' and render the contents of
 'script' to anonymous users through 'test'. I tested this out by making the
 'script' View permission only available for Authenticated users, and as
 anonymous I can neither hit 'test' nor 'script'.
   Based on my understanding of the Zope security framework I don't think
 this is possible... hopefully someone can tell me I'm wrong though and show
 me how to do it :)


Paul Winkler
Zope maillist  -
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