On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 10:28:44AM +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> Oh yeah, while I'm here, how's the HiperDOM project getting on? That
> stuff would be reeeeaally useful for a project here...

HiperDom is usable right now; we've been quite quiet because
we're working on documentation and unit testing (and to have
unit testing, we had to have ZUnit).

The low version number is because we're not very sure about the
syntax and we wanted feedback on it from the community.

However, that just isn't happening, and we're tempted to call
the results of documentation and testing 1.0, then after
feedback and possible syntax modifications work on a 2.0.

Right now, we would "reeeeaally" encourage you to use HiperDom
in your project, specially if the deployment schedule >= 2
months, and then pleeeeease send us that feedback :-)

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