[Zope] Quickstart problems...

2000-06-22 Thread addyd

Hi all,

Recently set up my first IIS server. Installed ActivePerl and Python.
Installed latest Zope beta. Restarted and looked good to go. Got the
"Welcome to Zope" page at: http://xanadu.unk.edu:8080/

Click on the "QuickStart" link. Good.
Click on any tree symbol "+". Good.
Click on any next level down tree symbol: Zope Error:
Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: len() of unsized object

Source says (Greek to me, at this point):
Traceback (innermost last):
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 222, in
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 187, in publish
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 221, in
(Object: ElementWithAttributes)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 171, in publish
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
(Object: index_html)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 112, in call_object
(Object: index_html)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 168, in __call__
(Object: index_html)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py, line 500, in
(Object: index_html)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\TreeDisplay\TreeTag.py, line 155, in render
(Object: Outline)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\TreeDisplay\TreeTag.py, line 261, in tpRender
(Object: ElementWithAttributes)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\TreeDisplay\TreeTag.py, line 515, in
(Object: ElementWithAttributes)
(Info: (['ABI=', [['ABs=', [['ABw=', []],
{'childless_decoration': '', 'id': 'tpId', 'leaves': 'dtcTemplate', 'url':
'tpURL', 'name': 'Outline', 'branches': 'tpValues', '': 'Outline'},
[['ABI=', [['ABs=', [['ABw=', []]],
[['ABI=', [['ABs=', [['ABw=', []]]))
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\TreeDisplay\TreeTag.py, line 515, in
(Object: ElementWithAttributes)
(Info: (['ABs=', [['ABw=', [,
{'childless_decoration': '', 'id': 'tpId', 'leaves': 'dtcTemplate', 'url':
'tpURL', 'name': 'Outline', 'branches': 'tpValues', '': 'Outline'},
[['ABI=', [['ABs=', [['ABw=', []]],
[['ABs=', [['ABw=', []))
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\TreeDisplay\TreeTag.py, line 478, in
(Object: ElementWithAttributes)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 164, in __call__
(Object: dtcTemplate)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py, line 500, in
(Object: dtcTemplate)
  File D:\xanadu\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_In.py, line 657, in
(Object: _.namespace(standard_html_header='', standard_html_footer=''))
TypeError: (see above)


Do I have something misconfigured, or is Quickstart broken with latest

Darren Addy
Internet Specialist and
Interim Web Presence Coordinator
Office of Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

RE: [Zope] Quickstart problems...

2000-06-22 Thread addyd


Thanks for the quick reply.
What is the procedure for upgrading to beta 2? Relatively painless?
Is there an Uninstall I will need to do for beta 1?

Also, it appears that How-To: Zope2, IIS, and PCGI (
http://www.zope.org/Members/brianh/iis_howto/index_html ) is outdated (if
you install the Zope .exe). It appears to be unnecessary now. Would someone

Darren Addy
Internet Specialist and
Interim Web Presence Coordinator
Office of Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Python install included with zopeBeta.exe?

2000-06-23 Thread addyd

Starting over...beta2 not working on IIS.
Uninstalling Python
Uninstalling Zope (why does running unwise.exe not remove EVERYTHING?)
Deleting everything in Zope web site virual directory.
Looks like I installed Python and then Zope installed Python again.
Did I miss this in the docs? (that Zope installs python in addition to
installing Zope with the x86.exe?)
Seems like beta2 is working properly now (Quickstart and all).

Darren Addy
Internet Specialist and
Interim Web Presence Coordinator
Office of Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Can not add Zope Tutorial with 2.2

2000-06-24 Thread addyd

Click on Control PanelsProducts in Manage and I think you'll see the
tutorial is already installed. At least it was with the .exe version.

Darren Addy
Internet Specialist and
Interim Web Presence Coordinator
Office of Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Data.fs.lock?

2000-06-27 Thread addyd

The tech that does backups on my new NT server (IIS) tells me that
everything backs up ok except the \var\Data.fs.lock file.
Is that normal or a problem?

Darren Addy
Internet Specialist and
Interim Web Presence Coordinator
Office of Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Data.fs.lock?

2000-06-28 Thread addyd

Well, it's NOT a production environment at this point. I just thought I'd
see if I could play with it until my LinuxPPC 2000 CDs arrived and I could
put it on a Mac where it BELONGS.

I'm looking forward to attempting some benchmarking of Zope on a 533mhz
Pentium III vs a Mac 200mhz PPC 604e.

Darren Addy
Internet Specialist
University of Nebraska at Kearney

PS...they MADE me get a IIS server for a proprietary (Follett Software)
package that one of our offices needed. I'm just trying to figure out
something else to use it for. That Dell Poweredge is taking up a lot of
rack space for the 10 hits per day the Folletts app is gonna get:

Chris Withers  
chrisw@nipltTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Subject: Re: [Zope] Data.fs.lock? 
06:03 AM   

But then, I'd say it's a problem running (Zope on) Windows in a
production environment ;-)

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Question from ZopeNewbies poster. . .

2000-06-30 Thread addyd

I am forwarding to this list the following question asked on the
ZopeNewbies discussion list today.
I have told the poster about this list. You may wish to post your answer
both here and on the ZopeNewbies discussion list page to make sure the
poster sees your answer.

Author:   Kelvin, Tze Wai Cheong
Posted:   6/30/00; 3:46:51 AM
Msg#: 658 (top msg in thread)

I'm developing a web-site which requires the storage of images in the
database. I have defined this field as LONGBLOB in my database tables. The
problem is I can't insert the image at the insert form, and worse of all I
don't know how to start. according to the mySQL manual from mySQL.com's
documentation, I should be storing the path of the picture file into the
database. I have tried but ZOPE defined a floating-point error regarding
the field.

How should I go around this?
Darren Addy
Internet Specialist and
Interim Web Presence Coordinator
Office of Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] ppc.rpm built from src.rpm

2000-11-14 Thread addyd

RPM gurus?

Couldn't find Zope 2.2.2 RPMs for LinuxPPC, so attempted to create my own
from src.rpms at Jeff Rush's site.
Followed the directions given at the LinuxPPC FAQ-O-Matic. Everything
seemed to go well and it build an entire set of ppc.rpms with no error
messages. Installed the whole enchilada Zope-2.2.2-1.ppc.rpm and then the
Z-Server rpm. Everything seemed to install normally and an RPM -q shows me
they are installed. However, when I attempt to get the Manage screen by
doing the http://my.machine:8080/manage I get a Connection Refused (server
may not be accepting connections/may be busy).

The machine is up (and Apache and ProFTP are listening). What do I need to
check next?
If I can determine that the problem is NOT with the RPMs, I'd like to make
them available to the LinuxPPC community.

Darren Addy
Web Specialist
Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] re: ppc.rpm from src.rpm: RTFD

2000-11-14 Thread addyd

Sorry all,
To answer my own question:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zope start

Seems I need to read to the bottom of the documentation on the download
page before asking questions.
Sheesh, some people's kids!

Darren Addy
Web Specialist
Information Technology Services
University of Nebraska at Kearney

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )