
My apologies if this isn't the correct mailing list I should post this question to. Please let me know if I should post on another list.

I'm using Shibboleth as the authentication system in Plone and is wondering how Zope knows the name of the session cookie it should refer to.

First of all, the software I'm using:
   * Zope 2.9.8
   * Plone 2.5.5
   * Apache 2.2.6
   * apachepas 1.2
   * ShibbolethLogin 0.6
If a user logs into Plone through the local Plone user account, the session cookie Plone refers to is


If a user logs into Plone through Shibboleth, the session cookie Plone refers to is


where XXX is a 40-character alphanumeric sequence.

I'm sure something must have told Zope/Plone to refer to the _shibsession_XXX cookie instead __ac and I'm wondering how that is done.

Does anyone have any idea/hint on this? I'd appreciate any kind of help. Thanks a lot!


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