[Zope-DB] More cache key errors?

2006-02-27 Thread Chris Withers

Hi Michael,

Michael Mauws wrote:

Not sure how much this is going to help, Chris, but I can tell you
that, after upgrading to V2.8 (from V2.3 or thereabouts),

Wow, that's a big jump!

I found that
I was getting key errors that displayed the entire SQL statement on
any of my ZSQL methods that made use of the caching function.

Okay, was the error coming from the same line as the code I pasted?

setting the cache time to zero seconds, the errors ceased. 

Yes, but then you're getting no caching... in high load scenarios that's 
a bad thing!



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk
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[Zope-DB] News Item properties

2006-02-27 Thread mtzolo

sto cercando di visualizzare su un page template zope (che tra l'altro
e' l'home page index_html) l'ultima news inserita via plone.

sono andato in 

e ho preso il pezzo di codice che mi serviva:

 tal:define="results python:request.get('news', here.portal_catalog.searchResults( portal_type='News Item' , sort_on='Date'
 , sort_order='reverse' , review_state='published')[:5]);
		"  tal:condition="python:test(template.getId()!='news' and results, 1, 0)">News
 tal:attributes="class python:test(oddrow, 'portletContent even', 'portletContent odd')">
   tal:attributes="href obj/getURL;   title obj/Description">
 Extended Calendar Product etc etc etc

il fatto e' che otre al Title mi servirebbero anche i primi 500
caratteri della news (un abstract da mettere in home page col link alla
news intera)
ho provato con:
 Extended Calendar Product  Extended Calendar Product  Extended Calendar Product 
 Extended Calendar Product 
ma non riesco a beccare il contenuto ho cercato su manuali e su google e sul tab 'doc' di zope ma nulla

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