[Zope-dev] Move implementation of getParent to zope.location?

2009-08-04 Thread Thomas Lotze
There are two functions in zope.traversing.api, getParent and getParents,
that are rather closely related. The former is implemented right in that
module while the latter adapts its argument to
zope.location.interfaces.ILocationInfo and calls getParents() on that.

Why is getParent not a part of ILocationInfo? If there's no good reason,
I'd propose adding getParent() to the interface and changing the getParent
function in zope.traversing to work similarly to getParents, i.e. call a
method on an ILocationInfo adapter.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Zope2 debug-mode vs ZCML dev-mode, ZCML conditionals

2009-08-04 Thread Thomas Lotze
We recently ran into an issue with debug/development mode when making
z3c.hashedresource work with Zope2: The package implements different
behaviour depending on whether the dev-mode feature is enabled in the ZCML
of a Zope3 application, and we sort of expected this feature to be
automatically enabled or disabled in a Zope2 application using Five when
Zope2 debug-mode is switched on or off, resp. As this doesn't seem to be
the case, we were wondering a few things:

- Is Zope2 debug mode semantically equivalent to ZCML dev-mode, i.e.
  should the two be linked to each other in the first place?

- If so, is it a bug that ZCML dev-mode isn't controlled by Zope2 debug
  mode in a Five application? Or is it and we're just missing something?

- If the the two should be connected but aren't, what's the best way to
  fix things? Should this be fixed in Five? Otherwise, how to achieve
  switching on the ZCML dev-mode feature the right way?

Independently of these questions, wouldn't it make sense for ZCML to have,
in addition to feature and installed, a conditional verb expression
that allows referencing a Python expression defined in a module whose
boolean value to use for deciding the condition?


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

[Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 4 OK, 4 Failed

2009-08-04 Thread Zope Tests Summarizer
Summary of messages to the zope-tests list.
Period Mon Aug  3 12:00:00 2009 UTC to Tue Aug  4 12:00:00 2009 UTC.
There were 8 messages: 8 from Zope Tests.

Test failures

Subject: FAILED (failures=1) : Zope-2.12 Python-2.6.2 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:50:28 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012218.html

Subject: FAILED (failures=1) : Zope-2.12-alltests Python-2.6.2 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:54:28 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012220.html

Subject: FAILED (failures=1) : Zope-trunk Python-2.6.2 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:56:29 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012221.html

Subject: FAILED (failures=1) : Zope-trunk-alltests Python-2.6.2 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:58:29 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/01.html

Tests passed OK

Subject: OK : Zope-2.10 Python-2.4.6 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:44:28 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012215.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.11 Python-2.4.6 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:46:28 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012216.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.12 Python-2.4.6 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:48:28 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012217.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.12-alltests Python-2.4.6 : Linux
From: Zope Tests
Date: Mon Aug  3 20:52:28 EDT 2009
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2009-August/012219.html

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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(Related lists - 
 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )