Re: [Zope-dev] Re: TALES idea: tuple unpacking

2003-07-30 Thread Christopher Boomer
 hmm, well to be clear, you're still using implicit acquisition if you say
 span tal:content=here/foo ... /span
 However, TAL is much better about using explicit namespaces
Yes, explicitly using implicit acquisition.  I'll give you that.

 If Zope is your first exposure to Python, I'm not sure if you
 can appreciate what I mean. :-)
Possibly not.  I've often been thown into the deep end of projects.

 reference manual? which one? The Zope Book? (a fair amount of python
 is in it these days.) ZOpe Developers' Guide? (lots of python there.)
I was referring to Guido's Python Reference Manual, which is less a
reference of python modules, rather a reference of how python itself was
written.  No offence intended.  There's lots of python in both Zope books,
and I refer to them regularly.

 - Write as much as possible of your product's features in a class
 that doesn't inherit from *any* zope-specific base classes.
I can take that advice.  Seems reasonable enough, and makes the python more
reusable in any case.

I'm currently trying to write the interface to integrate a wholesaler XML
response into our database and finding myself falling between XML stools.
My notion was to convert it to a local XML format before importing that to
the database.  I figured that this layer would insulate against change in a
similar manner to the above, but it seems that generating xslt
programmatically is not something that people are doing much yet.

Thanks for your time.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: TALES idea: tuple unpacking

2003-07-29 Thread Christopher Boomer
I have been watching this thread silently for what seems like weeks, and I
think it is time for a newcomer's opinion.  I like to read above my station

 options/a_mapping/key:items/index:0 rather than

They look very similar to me.  There is little or no simplification from one
to the other.  If it is easy to do and shall not impact on the performance
of  TAL, then go ahead and do it.  Otherwise, leave it alone.  If you have
enough knowledge to create the first one, you can certainly generate the
second.  The only problem I ever have in this area is knowing when something
is too complicated for TAL, and moving that boundary will not help.

Often I solve the problem by using a tal:define, which allows the following
TAL to cope with the variables I am trying to throw at it.  In general this
is my rule:  do not ask TAL to cope with expressions outside of a define
statement.  Let it stick with truth and looping, which it is exceptionally
good at.

Chris What an extraordinarily good idea! Why has none of us thought of this

Because it's so extraordinarily /not new/, in the sense that it might be
handy when everything else is working but remains unnecessary otherwise.  I,
for one, remain opposed to the idea that there should be several ways to do
the same thing, just because the newer one looks a bit prettier.  Newcomers
spend time choosing between them to avoid developing a ZClass when they need
a Product.  Especially when the difference is purely syntactic, nobody
bothers to write down that they are purely equivalent.

Chris I wonder what non-python'ers would think?
Paul well, that's a very good and relevant question, but I
Paul doubt we will find them on this mailing list :-)
Paul I would really like to know.

I am a relevant newcomer who is getting confused by all the options.  I have
avoided learning DTML beyond recognising it when I see it, but still find
the whole experience quite bewildering at times.  It took me the months of
UML work to convince my colleague (and introducer) that DTML was a backward
step, and only on presenting him with the hard-to-find zpt2dtml conversion
guide did I finally make my point that everything was possible without DTML
and its implicit acquisition.

For my money, get someone to spend time documenting option one first, and
explaining why it is useful; then make option two work if there is still
demand.  It's less sexy, but much more productive.

For instance, I spent a long time under the misapprehension that 'options/'
was the only way to get python variables into templates, because that's how
it shows you in the ZDG.

You have an excellent product that is far more powerful than people have
realised.  shoutKeep up the good work!/shout whisperwhich might mean
more marketing (documenting) and less programming/whisper

Paul We all know that Python has a near-unbeatable record
Paul as an easy-to-use, well-designed, and downright fun language.
Paul It has a great reputation as a first language.
I think this is overstating things a little.  I came to Zope/python from a
background in perl-based Intershop4 and found the transition hard enough.  I
had printed out the 80 page reference manual before I discovered that it
contained not a single python command: only on returning to it after eight
months did it begin to make sense, yet wonderful features such as __call__
should be carefully documented as important in Zope Products.

Paul The zope 2 tutorial and most other available documents gave
Paul the impression that you didn't need to learn python to get things
Paul done in Zope.
The Zope Book gives the impression that DTML is a poor-man's substitute to
ZPT/python, which is why I did not spend time on it.  It actually left me
with the impression that DTML and python did not really get on.

Paul If you don't know any python, isn't it tempting to write some
Paul icky template code yourself instead of waiting for the code
Paul guy to have time to help you?
That's exactly why I wrote custom templates for Intershop 4.  It did not
support search-within-search, or search-within-category, yet it was clear
from the database schema that it should and could with little effort.
Luckily the only way to do it was to create the object in advance from the
database and loop over it in the presentation.  Those of you interested in
options/a_mapping/key:items/index:0 would like their approach.

Incidentally, and off topic.  I read somewhere here that Zope3 is abolishing
implicit acquisition.  What should a developer be doing /now/ to avoid
obsolescence?  Should we use .Explicit throughout for new products, or what?
And what does that mean exactly?  It's not really documented in the ZDG
(maybe a page and a bit),
and specifically says (Ch. 3) In general you should subclass from
Acquisition.Implicit unless you have a good reason not to.  Is Zope3 that
good reason?

Christopher Boomer,