
Am I right in thinking that there is a duplication of information in having an eggified product's version number stored in setup.py and version.txt?

Both seem to be necessary - the first for use with pypi and the second so that Zope knows what version of a product it has. The former seems more like it should be the preferred single place for this information. Does anyone have any ideas about how we might update Zope to read version information from setup.py instead?

The initializeProduct function at <http://svn.zope.org/Zope/trunk/lib/python/App/Product.py?rev=73460&view=auto> seems to be the relevant place. However, I'm not sure if that code has access to the full eggy package at that stage. My guess is that the relevant object (productp?) might already have been adjusted for backward compatibility reasons at that stage.

Any ideas?

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