Re: [Zope-dev] how to start workflow instance on another zope server with SOAP?

2004-08-31 Thread Dieter Maurer
Aruna Kathiriya wrote at 2004-8-24 17:57 -0700:
I am trying to start an instance of a workflow on a Zope server from another
Zope server. I did successfully with XML-RPC call but I need to do it with


When you can control both client and server, XML-RPC should be
as good as SOAP (better, because it is much simpler).

Only when you cannot control the clients (and they speak SOAP),
you should look for a SOAP solution.

I am note sure weather I can do it or not.

It is, but it will not be easy.

Unlike for XML-RPC, Zope does not have built-in support for

Nevertheless, several people use Zope both as SOAP client and server.

However, you will need gluing code together with ZSI.
Expect several weeks of work until it will run.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] how to start workflow instance on another zope server with SOAP?

2004-08-24 Thread Aruna Kathiriya
I am very new to open source.

I am trying to start an instance of a workflow on a Zope server from another
Zope server. I did successfully with XML-RPC call but I need to do it with
SOAP. I am note sure weather I can do it or not.

I am running two Zope servers on my local m/c on 2 different ports.
One is 8080 and 2nd one is 8090.

On 8080:

Page_template  : SoapTest2

  Activate instance at other server:
span tal:define=  l_user python:request.get('AUTHENTICATED_USER');

form action=SubmitNewSoapTest2 method=post
  input type=file name=p_filebr
  input type=hidden name=user tal:attributes= value
  input type=hidden name=password value=Aruna
  input type=submit value=Submit

SubmitNewSoapTest2 is external method.
the python script for that is testTrigger as follow.

from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
import xml.sax
def startTestInstance2(self,p_file,user,password):
#   parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
#   parser.parse(myFile)
   url = 'http://localhost:8090/'
   namespace = 'urn:xmethods-testInstance'
   server = SOAPProxy(url, namespace)
   return server.SoapTestInstance(p_file,user,password)

On 8090:
I have a python script SoapTestInstance having 3 parameters
(p_file,user,password) and following code.

 wf = context.TestFlow
 i_id = wf.addInstance('TestProcess', '', '', '', 0)
 instance = wf.getInstance(i_id)
 instance.manage_addFile(id=theFile, file=p_file, title=)
 wf.activateWorkitem(i_id, '0', user )
 wf.completeWorkitem(i_id, '0')
 return created new instance with code %s % i_id

It gives me following error.
Error Type: SAXParseException
Error Value: error in
processing external entity reference

Any help will be appriciated. I already stucked here..

Aruna Kathiriya
CIGNEX Technologies, Inc
Implement IT Right

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