[Zope3-dev] zwiki for zope 3

2006-08-04 Thread stephen tan
I recently checked out zwiki using:
svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zwiki/trunk/

the zwiki folder is in a zope instance:
I copied the zwiki-configure.zcml to:

I tried to start my zope instance but it gives me this
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
line 1.0-1.27
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
line 84.2-87.8
ImportError: cannot import name IObjectEvent

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[Zope3-dev] Re: OT: pytz

2006-08-04 Thread Florent Guillaume

Stuart Bishop wrote:

Ignas Mikalajunas wrote:

Thanks. I'd seen localize() in the README but all the examples have an
explicit is_dst passed which I didn't want. I didn't realize that
without it it would guess the right one (except during the 1h ambiguous


The is_dst parameter is more like "If it is ambiguous prefer DST",
even when calling localize without passing the parameter it will not
do any guessing as is_dst is set to False by default. If you want
localize to warn you about ambiguous time you should pass is_dst=None
which will raise an exception instead of assuming that you prefer non
DST times in ambiguous cases,

I've been wondering if making pytz work like this was a correct decision. It
seems that people who know enough to care about DST transition periods
generally work in UTC anyway

What makes you say that? Any application where datetimes are 
user-entered and user-visible will certainly *not* want to store them in 
UTC, as users will want dates displayed "as they were entered" (meaning 
holding their original timezone, even if the timezone is not displayed).

If my French user say "this expires 15 aug 2006 at 16:00" I want them to 
see "15/08/2006 16:00" in the document metadata, even though it's stored 
as 2006-08-15T16:00:00+0200. If the document is exported to another 
system, I want the timezone kept.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Weird error within __cmp__ method of KeyReferenceToPersistent

2006-08-04 Thread Gary Poster

On Aug 2, 2006, at 6:03 AM, Dominik Huber wrote:

Hi Gary

Thanks for your inputs. I was also offline this days...

Gary Poster wrote:
Well, first of all, I suspect your situation, based on what I've  
seen so far, looks something like this:

- code creates obj P1
- code puts P1 in intids, with connection.
- code does something incorrect (either your code or code that you  
are relying on), probably involving a savepoint because of your  
discussion below, that keeps keyreference to P1 in intids BTree,  
but rolls back addition of P1 to connection.  Right now we have  
the bad data (a key reference to an object without a connection in  
the BTree), but we don't know about it yet.

- Now code creates obj P2.
- code tries to put P2 in intids.  If the BTree logic happens to  
make it compare against the bad keyreference to P1, you get the  
__cmp__ error.  This is a red herring for debugging: the problem  
has already occurred (see above).


Few more details:
There is a import handler which creates p1 , p2 to pn and sets  
those object to a certain folder. After each addition of a certain  
p an initializer subscriber listen to IObjectAddedEvent is invoked  
too. The error occurs sometimes during this initialization. In case  
of an error the creation and initialization of the error-prone p is  
rolled back by an Importer (compare the following code):

class Importer(object):
   def __call__(self, importhandelr)
  for d in import_reader:
   if not d[first].startswith('#'):
   savepoint = transaction.savepoint()
   data = dict([(key, value for key, value in  
   importhandler(data) # <- call importhandler  
which creates the p


   except Exception, e:
   savepoint.rollback() # clean up

Huh.  I wonder if a savepoint rollback cleans up sufficiently after a  
commit; I've never used it like that.  Out of curiosity, if you take  
the commit out does the problem go away?  Generally, looking at the  
code, one of the very first things that Transaction.commit does is  
_invalidate_all_savepoints, so the pattern you have here doesn't look  

That said, if that were the problem here, it looks like you should  
have gotten an exception when you did the rollback, so it's probably  
just something to change, but not the cause of what we're talking about.

Also, in the vein of things that are probably not the cause of the  
problem we are discussing, but are maybe worth highlighting, the  
whole bare except thing around a commit is an interesting  
discussion.  For a one-time import, maybe this is fine, but for more  
robust code I prefer something a little more sophisticated.  I've  
tried various things over the years; my current recipe is something  
like this:

...do stuff and commit...
except ZODB.POSException.TransactionError:
...abort and retry some number of times, and eventually raise...
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, ZODB.POSException.POSError):
   ...abort and raise...
...abort and log, or whatever is appropriate...

That's probably somewhat controversial--maybe TransactionError is too  
broad, for instance--but I offer it for what it's worth.

I'm pretty sure your BTree is already bad by the time you get to  
the failing __cmp__.

The only way I know to fix it at this late stage in the story is  
drastic: you'll need to create a new BTree, iterate over the old  
one and add all the contents except for the broken keyreferences,  
and replace the old intid BTree with the new one.

I don't think that's appropriate error catching for the BTree  
code.  I think if you get the error you describe, you have a  
serious problem in "your" code (i.e., code that you've written or  
code that you're relying on in your stack, like Zope).  How--and  
when--to handle it is application policy, not something that  
should be in the base intids, I think.

Yes, but the whole problem seems not so heavy:

1. If I restart the server no wrong intid entries are there.

One possible explanation is that you have some in-memory data  
structure that the savepoint can't roll back.  Another is that the  
savepoint code isn't quite right.  A third is that the BTree code  
isn't quite right.  I suspect something like the first more than the  
second or third, but that doesn't rule anything out.  Have you  
analyzed what exception triggers the problem?  Have you analyzed the  
bad in-memory tree to see if it gives you any clues?

2. If I patch the __cmp__ method of KeyReferenceToPersistent the  
proposed way it only runs right after a wrong p creation into the  
except. After another successful transaction commit I don't have  
any bad intids entries

IMO that points that somehow the persistent data are ok. That we  
only migh