it actually works by clipping the hell out of the signal.

okay, EE alert, so if you don't want a technical explanation, delete now. 8o)

when a signal gets clipped, it basically 'chops off' the top of the waveform and this distortion is shown in harmonics; multiples of the fundamental frequency. say you have a 100 Hz frequency, even order harmonics would be 200 hz, 400 Hz, etc. odd order harmonics would be 300 Hz, 500 Hz, etc.

when solid state stuff clips, you get odd-order harmonics. odd-order distortion sounds bad, bad, bad.

when tube stuff clips, you get even-order harmonics. even-order harmonics tends to make the sound warmer, rosier, softer.

below clipping, they are audibly very similar.


From: "Todd Gys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'313'" <>
Subject: [313] OT: Tube Compression (was Basic Channel sound)
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 10:37:12 -0500

Sorry for the OT post, but I know the people on this list can give me the
help I need!

Can someone explain exactly how a compressor can give tracks that nice warm
sound?  I know that Maurizio and the likes use a compressor almost as an
instrument.  How is this done?  What sound qualities is the compressor
putting into the track?  The only compression I've ever messed with was on
ReBirth and in SoundForge....the only thing I could really get it to do was
to reduce clipping.

I'm making deep dubby techno and house stuff and I know that eventually I'll
want to pick up a tube compressor to help my sound...but right now I'm
clueless as to what it will actually do for me.  Anyone out there
knowledgable on this subject?

Also, what are some good brands/models of tube compressors? Would I be able
to get a decent one for around $500?

Thanks so much for any help!  Again, I apologize for the OT post.  The Tech
Gear list tends to not be very active sometimes.


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