Most profound of apologies if you receive this more than once...

So, I have this friend, you see, who just happens to make music that sounds
produced straight out of the box.  Somewhere between Plaid, AFX, and
Autechre.  He does it live, as well.  As a perfectionist, he is not too keen
to promote his music, but I think it has to get out there because it's
fantastic.  So, despite limited
resources, I started serving 2 of his 3 CDs as 320kbps mp3s straight from my
box at home at .

Now it's just a question of marketing it to the right people.  The problem
is that I am not very good at marketing, either.  This is where I ask you to
give the mp3s a listen and see what you can do to let all those important
decision-makers in your world know about Mike and his music.  Forward this
email if you want.  Alternately, let me know whom I should contact about

In addition, I'd be more than happy to burn some copies of his albums onto
actual CD-Rs for any interested parties, if such a thing would help matters

Thanks, folx.


All-you-can-eat sashimi and eternal gratitude slathered on for any resultant


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