>===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
I think it needs to be understood here that race "matter" because that's
how most were taught growing up. Earlier I said that as children, everyone
was a friend irregardless of race. It's not until later that you are taught
that, for one reason or another, it does matter. When you're not exposed to
such ignorance, race is no longer an issue.

studies on race have shown that beginning even at age 4 kids are making 
judgements based on it (will elaborate details on study in private email)

We all act the same, we all do the same bullsh_t, we are all the same. Why
try to make a distinction based on color?

on an individual level _yes_ (more differences among the sexes then between 
the sexes etc. etc.) but when you look at it from a sociopolitical standpoint 
as far as groups and who has advantages/disadvantages yes race does 
matter..that's all i was saying before..someone had said how he had hung out 
w/ all these different kinds of people and how they all got along and 
everything was groovy and i had to challenge that..that's all..i find it 
_especially_ frustrating in light of recent events here in the US and here at 
umich (i live in ann arbor currently)..affirmative action rollbacks are have a 
_drastic_ effect on african american communities (look at college enrollment 
levels in california before and  after the affirmative action laws were rolled 
back)and now we have the umich law school case..i can't even begin to describe 
what a horrible impact this case would have if it doesn't eventually get 
turned over..these mindsets _frighten_ me..they _depress__ me and they leave 
me _outraged_ when someone tries to assert such naive statements as "skin 
color doesn't matter"..and if you grew up around detroit you _know_..you must 
have been downtown at some point when race relations were very tense...


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