We are testing scenarios with Multi Master Replication (MMR) with many 
replicas. We need to gather experience in this area.
The current scenario is a star topology with one central server with 
replication agreements with all others, and the others only with the central 
server. It is scaled up to 63 servers replicating with the central server. 
To analyze the behaviour in certain situations we would like to have a reliable 
indicator for the status of the replications.

What we found was the attribute nsds50ruv of the replication agreement. RedHat 
documentation says:

Information about the replication topology — all of the suppliers which are 
supplying updates to each other and other replicas within the same replication 
group — is contained in a set of metadata called the replica update vector 
(RUV). The RUV contains information about the supplier like its ID and URL, its 
latest change state number for changes made on the local server, and the CSN of 
the first change. Both suppliers and consumers store RUV information, and they 
use it to control replication updates.

1. How is the attribute managed and used, and are there limitations for highly 
scaled MMR scenarios?
2. Is it necessary that all replicas of all servers in the MMR are listed in 
this attribute? Are the entries automatically distributed, and who controls 
3. How do those entries have to look like for the certain server "types": 
certal servier with replication agreements to all others (1) resp. the "others" 
  (1) {replicageneration} <ID> + n * {replica <replica ID> ldap://<FQDN>:389}
  (2) {replicageneration} <ID> + {replica <replica ID of central server> 
ldap://<FQDN of central server>:389}
4. Some entries end with some kind of IDs, possibly replication generation IDs, 
some don't. Why is that so?
5. What is the meaning of the identifier under the attribute 
nsruvreplicalastmodified; i.e: replica 1 ldap://<FQDN>:389} 00000000
6. What is a replication group and is that a way to help handling a highly 
scaled MMR scenario while limiting replication traffic and conflicts, or does 
"replication group" mean the complete network of the servers in the topology?
7. What must be the order to set up the MMR network? First set up all other MMR 
server and then setup the central server?
8. We have noticed that the entries are made only after a reboot of the central 
MMR server. Is this correct or are there other steps that are required to 
configure the MMR?

Documentation read so far:
[RHC 10, Ch.] : 
[RHA 10, Ch. 15]: 

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