Sorry Jody,
I thought that renaming the constants solved the issue.
It did not...

I thought maybe the issue was the xlif file damaged in same manner, so 
I recreated the file from scratch (using 4Dpop), with no copy paste.
I also recreated, no copy paste, the previously posted method wrapping 
Set Menu.
These did not resolve the problem, and as part of testing I found other 
issues with my Konstants (see below).
SO.. just to be sure, I empty the (4D) trash, compacted, and repaired 
the structure -- no problems indicated or repaired.
Also, compacting and repair did not solve the problem...

What I am seeing is some Konstants work, others do not.
ex: I have 2 Konstants (in 2 different xlif files)
Combo_Clear : Value= "Clear"
Option_Clear : Value= "Clear"

When I reference Option_Clear I get an error of mis-matched typing, if 
I replace with Combo_Clear the code does not complain.
($Action # Option_Clear) vs ($Action # Combo_Clear)

In the debugger, Option_Clear = "Clear", Combo_Clear = "Clear", in 
4DPop editor Option_Clear is specified as string, it was initially auto 
so I tried specifying the type.

Am I not allowed to have 2 differently named Konstants with the same 
value, in 2 different xlif files???

I am in the process of removing a lot of IP vars that I was using as 
konstants, I do not know how to proceed at this point...
continue replacing IPvars, and hope I can resolve the constants issue, 
or stop and replace the IPvars already exchanged for Konstants.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2018 08:11:13 -0600, Jody Bevan via 4D_Tech wrote:
> Chip:
> Hate those kinds of things. Hours to learn, it seems like hours 
> wasted. Thanks for letting us know the solution.
> Jody
>> On Jun 26, 2018, at 7:37 AM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech 
>> <> wrote:
>> Koen 
>> Thanks
>> While you were not exactly on track it did point me in the right 
>> direction.
>> It seems that at least the following 2 values "step" on something 
>> internal to 4D
>> Listing_Menu
>> Main_Menu
>> By reversing the naming convention to
>> Menu_Listing
>> Menu_Main
>> The Konstants now correctly function.
>> Chip
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