I'm just now getting my toes wet in 4DWritePro.

Currently using 4D 15.3 (Windows)
But have looked at the demos in the v15 "r" releases.

I see a lot of promise for this new 4DWrite, (despite the current user 
interface to be unusable by our customers)

So, I'm seeing what I can do with this programmatically.

The one item I'm stumped with is being able to set multiple "Tab" positions on 
the document
The purpose is to get a row/column type result, with multiple columns, all 
lining up nice and neatly.
With the columns set where I want them to be.  ;-)

I know doubt need to think of this an entirely new way, but that is eluding me 
at the moment)

Any shoves in the right direction would be graciously appreciated.

Randy Engle
XC2 Software LLC

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