We have written full audit trails with previous applications. They are not 
simple to ensure everything gets audited, and everything recorded, and then be 
able to display any record at a point in time.

I like the new command LOG FILE to JSON that was added in v15R4. It seems like 
a great opportunity to get the 4D engine to do most of the work of creating a 
complete Audit Trail for us (Add did a presentation at 2016 Summit). 

From what I have investigated in doing this thus far it will be important to 
import the Journal file information several times through the ‘day’. The 
command New Log File is great for letting us control when this can occur as we 
would want to let our System Admins set up how often the Audit Trail is 
updated. The only problem I see thus far is that the command New Log File only 
works on 4D Server. Therefore this type of Audit Trail cannot work on a Stand 
alone application.

I hope that I am missing something in regard to how we can do this. 

Any suggestions? Any sage advice for me?


Jody Bevan
ARGUS Productions Inc.

Argus Productions Inc. <https://www.facebook.com/ArgusProductions/>

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