Howdy team, 
I’d like to remind you all that on this upcoming weekend - October 13 & 14 - 
we'll be running a weekend hackathon in space to help make the place better! 
You’ll also be excited to learn the Space was 5 years old in September and no 
one really noticed, apart from ormiret who always remembers. 
To celebrate this milestone, I’d like to enjoy a few drinks on the Saturday 
night! Let’s load up the fridge with our favourite beverages and enjoy a couple 
of drinks. No prizes for guessing what I’m planning on drinking.
As per usual, Sunday will be our hacker breakfast - come along for pancakes and 
joy. Reply to tj [1] to ensure you will have food!
Currently, our list of poorly defined goals  are on the wiki[2]. Add some 
ideas, come along and make them a reality. Suggestions include: 
 - Plan the Scottish consulate winter hackathon
 - Do something with the upstairs room 
 - Make things light up 
 - Spray paint the front door to say 57N 
 - Better street-level hacklab signage 
 - Ventilation system for the inside room 
 - Make the shower room into a photo dark room // washing up room 
 - Paint the walls 
 - Make a new museum 
57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
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