Hi all,

Open tuesday continues tonight - we're off to see Kettock lodge, and then we'll 
be back home for about 2015 or so. 

After that? Business as normal. I need to work out what I've done to an HDD 
that makes it stop my bios (and only my bios) from booting midway through POST. 
If anyone has a USB<->2.5" SATA connector, that'd be greatly appreciated!


Reminder of the visit in case y'all missed it:

We are arranging for a group visit to the Unit at Kettock Lodge,
Bridge of Don - a potential new location for the space [1]. The
building rep can be available to open from 7pm Tues and given our
schedule, we will aim for this date and time. We'll assemble at the
front entrance. Could I ask that anyone who wants to see the location
but cannot make Tuesday 7pm to please get in touch ASAP. I can take
some video and post it on the wiki, but the virtual tour is probably a
better option [2].

Also if transport is an issue, please contact the discuss maillist to
see if lifts are available.


[2] https://aberdeeninnovationpark.com/virtual-tour/

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