I’ll be down for half 8 or so, once I’ve done some radio and sorted my life 
out, see y’all there!

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jun 2021, at 15:58, Edward Watson <m...@edwardwatson.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> It's open Tuesday at 57North Hacklab! Apparently there is now internet
> so you can now get your meme fix from the space. We will start around
> 7pm and remain at our location in Unit H, Kettock Lodge, Campus Two,
> Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.
> I'll be there from 7pm. If you're coming in today, consider sending a reply
> with an optional rundown of your excellent evening's plans. I'll be working
> on adding fans to my PiPuter case and making more tiny metal models.
> I *might* have the space's MATE delivery with me also (yet to confirm).
> As is custom during these times, please review the important COVID info
> below.
> See you there,
> Nordin
> <COVID related blurb>
> Aberdeen City remains at protection level 1, which means we can invite
> people to our open Tuesday events.
> We are participating in the Scottish Government's contact tracing
> programme. You will find purple posters at the entrance to the space and
> around the space that contain QR codes. Please scan the QR code and
> provide your contact details. If you are unable to scan a QR code, there
> is a link to type into your browser. If you cannot use the link, ask
> someone else to check in for you and provide them with your email
> address and phone number.
> Please note that contact tracing is a requirement of participating in an
> Open Tuesday in person, and is not negotiable. If you do not provide
> tracing details you will be asked to leave.
> As we emerge from this global disaster, some will understandably be
> cautious about being outside. Please respect people's boundaries by
> maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask as you move around the
> space. If you are sat down, you can take off your mask to have easier
> access to your face if needed for eating or drinking. Use common sense
> and remember this is a shared space.
> If you are in early, open windows to get air flowing through the
> space. It could be a good idea to bring a jumper or something as the
> space could be a little cooler than you might expect because of this.
> </COVID related blurb>
> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
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