Gooooooooood day nerds!

On the weekend of the 20th, 21st and 22nd of October, we shall be
hosting the first 57North Game Jam!

What's a game jam? It's a get together of people to make games! You turn
up and create something that you'd enjoy playing.  Learn more here[1].

What kind of games? Any! Board/Video/Card/Crypto/Blockchain/whatever!
Just because some of us will be programming doesn't mean you need to do
the same. They can be silly, serious, important, easy or difficult.

Who can take part? Anyone, but we ask that non members of 57N make a
donation to the hackerspace. You are welcome to bring friends and team
up, or create something on your own.  Throw your name on the wiki and/or
reply here. 

What does my game have to be about? At the moment, we don't have a set
topic to base games on - feel free to suggest one, or to suggest that we
shouldn't have a topic at all! 

Where is it taking part? We will be based at 57North Hacklab, 35a Union
Street, Aberdeen. However, you are not obliged to spend the whole time
in the hackerspace with us. We assume you'd like to sleep, eat and maybe
work from a comfortable room for a few hours or a whole day.

Events will kick off at around 1800 on Friday, however if it's
impossible to make it in for then, don't worry, just turn up late. 
We shall be finishing off at around 1500 on Sunday with a show && tell
session so you can reveal and explain your creation!

Want to know more? Check out the 57N wiki:

Stay Awesome,



57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
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