Hey all,
 It's Tuesday again...I can't believe what happened to Monday, Sunday and July.  How has your week been so far?
Tuesday means open Tuesday, and since we are in level something now,  we can invite people in our space (and their masks).  We tend to start around 7pm  at our location in Unit H, Kettock Lodge, Campus Two, Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.

Since I have not been at the space for a few weeks, I will be in today, perhaps as early 730pm, or even earlier..My project today is fixing some cheeky light bulb socket on the car in the car park. What will you be working on?

I guess by now we know and remember the covid rules for our space, so I won't be repeating them. If you need more guidance nonetheless, then please drop me a line so I can elaborate on the blurb.

Off course there is also Workadventure for the more remote members who do not posses a teleporting device to visit Aberdeen.


On 13/07/2021 11:49, Dave Hibberd wrote:
Hi All,

Gosh, I can't believe we're half way through July already! How has 
your month gone? Mine has been stressful!

It's open Tuesday at 57North Hacklab! Aberdeen City remains at
protection level 1, which means we can invite people to our open
Tuesday events.

We will start around 7pm and remain at our location in Unit H, Kettock
Lodge, Campus Two, Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.

I'll be continuing to make music happen in the space, mpd is up and
running, just snapcast to do left I think.
I'll also be looking at the 3d printer I incapacitated at the weekend
and trying to return it to 3d printing capacity. 

See you there. I will likely not be online via WorkAdventure[1]. 
Hopefully others will though!

As cases are on the rise, can I just draw your attention to the covid
blurb below - it wouldn't do anyone any favours to start getting
careless now!

Much Love,

[1] https://wa.tabascoeye.de/_/global/raw.githubusercontent.com/ScottishConsulate/scotconmap/master/main.json

<important COVID related info>
We are participating in the Scottish Government's contact tracing
programme. You will find purple posters at the entrance to the space and
around the space that contain QR codes. Please scan the QR code and
provide your contact details. If you are unable to scan a QR code, there
is a link to type into your browser. If you cannot use the link, ask
someone else to check in for you and provide them with your email
address and phone number.

Please note that contact tracing is a requirement of participating in an
Open Tuesday in person, and is not negotiable. If you do not provide
tracing details you will be asked to leave.

As we emerge from this global disaster, some will understandably be
cautious about being outside. Please respect people's boundaries by
maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask as you move around the
space. If you are sat down, you can take off your mask to have easier
access to your face if needed for eating or drinking. Use common sense
and remember this is a shared space.

Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at : http://www.wispandwillows.co.uk/ 
and https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/WispAndWillows
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