
At last night's Tuesday meet up a chap came along looking for help with an 
atmospheric monitoring project.
Doc O talked to him about helping with his project and got contact information.
The chap was worried about the possible fall out from the incinerator planned 
for Torry.

I have been looking up some of the technical stuff he mentioned and thought I 
might share what I found out with you....

Hackaday article = 
....which has a link to the Google translated....
Stuttgart University project web page = 

The project involves building monitors consisting of:-

Sensor = SDS011
> senses atmospheric particle concentrations using laser scattering
> data sheet  = SDS011_laser_PM2.5_sensor-specification-V1.3.pdf
> includes a small fan to suck in samples
>??outputs concentration of particles 2.5 and 10 micron as serial data??
> available at Aliexpress.com 2pc for £27.88 or 10 pc for £136.23

WiFi + CPU module = NodeMCU ESP8266, CPU WLAN
> data sheet  = 
> https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/ESP8266_Specifications_English.pdf
> firmware from Stuttgart University
> transmits data to Stuttgart University via WiFi and web connection - ?data 
> can be recovered from their web site?
> available from lots of suppliers for about £2 each

Battery ?? - I've not seen a power source in the documents so far - may have to 
read more carefully.

Weatherproof Housing = 2 x 75mm push fit waste pipe M-F elbows
> I don't think we have that size in the UK

Other stuff...
> a WiFi module needs an accessible router/tethered phone/etc nearby
> there are Arduino libraries for the sensor - might log to SD card? - could 
> make a mobile unit??
(could pick up the data using a WiFi SD card?)
> would someone in Aberdeen be interested in hosting the data instead of 
> Stuttgart??

See you next week,


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