On Fri, May 30, 2014, at 02:34 PM, Rowan Evenstar wrote:

> This getting in and out of the space is just crazy :(

What can we do to improve this?

I think getting some isntructions printed out and stuck to the door
would help - I'll get that done this weekend. How much details do folks
think are OK for outside the door? I'm thinking something along the
lines of "Log into hackhub and click on the unlock door link." Do we
also want to include the wifi details on that?

How about actually simplifying the procedures?

For unlocking the door: doorbot is now a modular system and we could
add ways other than the website to trigger the unlock if anyone has (or
wants to get) something else that should trigger the unlock.

For locking the door again: this is currently complicted by the fact
that the strike plate we've got doesn't really match the type of lock
we're using it with. It would be a lot better[1] if we could get it to
spring to the open position when it was released and stay there till
the door is closed. I think this could be achieved by attaching some
elastic or a spring to the release bit that pulls it open and holds it
there (much like the bluetack does currently) till the door is closed
and the lock pulls it shut again. I have tried a few different glues to
attach a wire loop to the lock to do this but haven't had any luck
getting it to actually stay attached. I was thinking of putting a
couple of little holes in it to thread a wire loop through but my
skills with a drill weren't up to achieving anything more than lightly
engraved doodles. If anybody else can do better that would be much
appreciated (might get on better taking it out of the door jamb and
using clamp/vice and pillar drill setup). Alternatively if anyone can
find an electric release strike plate that is sprung the other way
round from this one that could save some hacking.

The other option would be to switch to the "right" type of lock for the
strike plate as is. We'd want what I'd call a Yale lock, but I think
might actually be called a night latch. Now that we are actually in
contact with the landlady, do we want to ask if it's OK to add one of
these to the door and use it as the default lock? Leaving would then
just be a case of pull the door shut behind you.


[1] Well, easier. I kind of think that a door locking procedure
involving pressing buttons and bluetack is very much in line with the
hackspace ethos and kind of want to keep it as is (or maybe even make
it more convoluted...).


Robert McWilliam r...@allmail.net www.ormiret.com

Disclaimer: Opinions cited by me are not necessarily my opinions.
Facts cited by me are not necessarily facts.
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