I have recently ported the array language Klong, a pet project
of mine, to Plan 9. Everything works fine, but I came across
the following behavior of page(1), which I though was strange:

Klong has a built-in function plotter, which uses ghostscript
as a back end, so it writes Postscript code to a file and then

page -b file

which displays the graph just fine, but then page just sits
there and does not react to any keyboard or mouse commands.
I have to open another term and kill it.

However, when the Klong process runs

gs '-sOutputFile=-' -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q file | page -b

everything works as expected. So the problem is solved, but
I'm curious as to what causes page to hang in the first case.
Any ideas?

Nils M Holm  < n m h @ t 3 x . o r g >  www.t3x.org

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