(Resending (with tweaks) to get around moderation.)

Things are underway for this summer. The org application period is open, 
closing tomorrow, and ours is in, with a few tweaks pending. A few things to 
note, the first one could use lots of help:

• As always, the most important part of the application is the ideas page. This 
year's is at:


I've just started updating it, and there's plenty to do. If you have an idea 
you'd be possibly willing to mentor or backup-mentor, *please* add it here. 
Provide enough detail that an interested student could get a decent idea of the 
scope of the project and what's involved. The more relevant information you can 
provide, the better. If the info for that project gets larger than a paragraph, 
it probably makes sense to create a wiki page dedicated to the idea; see the 
idea "Replace language for wikifs" for a good example of that. If the wiki is a 
challenge, email me what the entry should be and I'll take care of it.

In the GSoC feedback sessions every year, this page is always the main thing 
used to separate various otherwise-promising orgs out. Take a look.

• If you travel in circles with students, start telling them about the program 
and why they should want to work with us. You might point them at our Student 
Expectations, at
I'm reviewing those, but I don't expect significant changes.

• If you're an established community member, consider whether you'd be 
interested in mentoring. Take a look at our Mentor's Expectations at
and feel free to ask me or anyone else who's participated in the past questions 
- I'm sure everyone would be willing to talk.

• Prior-year mentors, it would be particularly helpful if you could take a look 
at those two previous pages and let me know (via the plan9-gsoc group 
preferably, or off-list) if you think anything needs changing. I think these 
expectations (which are more or less the same as the past 2-3 years, with small 
refinements) have served us pretty well, but would obviously be interested in 
other opinions.

• Also, if you're not on them and would like to contribute actively, we have 
two relevant Google Groups worth joining: plan9-gsoc and plan9-gsoc-mentors. 
The mentor's list is for mentors, backup mentors, and similar folks helping 
out; the other list is for anyone interested in helping out or following along 
on the GSoC-specific discussions more closely.

Let me know if you have any other questions. If you have real-time questions, 
I'm in #plan9 and #plan9-gsoc most of the time.

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