
On 18 July 2013 16:18, benjamin.purcell <benjamin.purc...@zoho.com> wrote:
> when I attempt to convert the troff output with dpost. Does anyone know
how to get ligatures using Plan 9 troff?

I also have been unable to typeset ligatures.
I think I once asked the same question here, with no answer.
So, perhaps, if you are in a hurry, use heirloom troff instead, or you may
try and ask Ali Gholami Rudi <aligr...@gmail.com>, who recently
wrote to me:

# I had not yet publicly announced it and I am just fighting with the
# temptation to start a new pic clone but in any case, neatroff, i.e. my
# new troff implementation, is now usable (http://litcave.rudi.ir/).
# There are some features (the ones that I rarely use myself) missing.
# It comes with its own postscript postprocessor (neatpost) and it can
# use the preprocessors and the macros of the original troff (available
# in my linux port of plan9 troff).  I hope to add some of the missing
# features and document the differences between neatroff and groff or
# the original troff in future.


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