Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Sébastien Tricaud wrote:

Gscore 0.0.8 "laetmotive" is out.
This release focuses on bug fixing and improved score editing.

But looking at it, clicking everywhere, checking out all the menus, after 2 weeks I still don't have no idea how to create my first simple score. The screenshots on the website look nice, but I haven't seen anything like it on my own screen yet.


Afew years ago, when I first attempted to write a few bars of abc music, written with vim and processed with abcm2ps, it only took me a few minutes to have success. Graphical frontends are supposed to make things easier, but the ones I have seen so far hardly do that.

Noteedit seems to be pretty good, so far. Haven't tried multiple staves, yet. Didn't take me very long to figure out how to make things work. You do need midi working to hear sound, though.

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