AAARRRGGGHHH!  Should I track down every copy and have it destroyed?  That's actually Bloke sitting beside me which explains why I'm not kicking him in the head.  He was being a bloody nuisance.  The rest of us were still trying to do things to do with the Rob Harbron/John Dipper workshop when he muscled in.  Oh dear, he's probably going to be there this year.

I'd settle for bashing out The Roads again if that's all right by you.  I need to get them right and you can do your Bob Hope joke.

I've found the Adrian Schofield website and he is certainly unusual as much by design as accident.  His name seems to crop up with all the establishment figures of the Nortghumbrian Piping scene.


The fiddler on the front of the HoM handout looks rather like Marina.

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