About his quartertone notation, I managed to use some postscript
fonts for using in Abcm2ps. I've made also an equivalence for
western music, like the one found in some bretonian songs (I found
it in a CD)

I've upload a pdf with the result if some may be interested :

the midifile of the scales are :


I think it sounds rather bad, not close to the original music
(maybe because it uses the pitchbend function). I'll seek further
if it's possible to do something better.

> using timidity to play the midi file,
>then you can reset the temperament to contain quartertone

Thanks for the tips. 
Timidity could be usefull then if I can totally customize the
temperament (not only use quarter-tones). 

In fact Persian music can be simplified by using quarter-tones,
but in practice quarter-tones are not used, and the pitch
difference between 2 notes are dependent of the "modes" : for
example seekers made experiences and noticed the traditional
musicians in practice used for a "mode" 33 "savars" between B and
c, and for an other 26.5 savars between B and c  (here the savar
is 1/50 of the occidental tone, so 26.5 would be very close to our
B, but 33 would be for 2/3 tone)
I don't know much about all this, I'm still learning)

>I would guess it needs to be sent an event to put things back to
>normal, otherwise MIDI would assume that the pitch is still bent
>successive notes.

yes, that's why I was forced to "cheat" in the code by adding
those !=! (or !normal!) after the note to reset the pitchbend.
I'd really like to find a solution to get rid of them.

>I don't know if http://home.planet.nl/~roosp/mt_pitch.html is
right or not
>Sorry if it turns out I'm being stupid, only trying to help and

thank you ! I don't think this was a stupid answer at all ! :)

>I'm not really a programmer (though I can read a tiny bit of C)
My real

it's exactly the same for me : I can read and make some small
changes, but can't rewrite all or add something new in the

>The problem with using midi pitchbend is that the number which
>the amount of pitch change is not standardised

oh, it's usefull to know then. I'll do some further comparisons to
know more about it, and if it can be faultly to use the pitchbend
for this purpose then. But if it turns to be standardized at least
on the soundcard, I think it's enough.
Maybe a "finetune" change would be better, if it's possible (but I
can't find it in abc2midi source code).
I think I should study more closely the midi standard.

About the postscript definition (for using with abcm2ps), here are
them :

%%postscript    /sori { % usage: str x y sori
%%postscript    gsave translate 0.022 dup scale
%%postscript    0 100 translate
%%postscript    newpath
%%postscript    120 327 moveto
%%postscript     105 329 lineto
%%postscript     104 -92 lineto
%%postscript     114 -86.5 113 -91 120 -87 curveto
%%postscript     120 327 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    16 316 moveto
%%postscript     1 318 lineto
%%postscript     0 -103 lineto
%%postscript     11 -97 9 -102 16 -98 curveto
%%postscript     16 316 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    -51 219 moveto
%%postscript     232 127 lineto
%%postscript     -47 -5 lineto
%%postscript     -47 33 lineto
%%postscript     160 123 lineto
%%postscript     -50 183 lineto
%%postscript     -51 219 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    grestore
%%postscript } bdef

%%postscript    /koron  {       % usage: str x y koron
%%postscript    gsave translate 0.022 dup scale
%%postscript    0 100 translate
%%postscript    newpath
%%postscript    26 361 moveto
%%postscript     26 228 lineto
%%postscript     174 298 lineto
%%postscript     26 361 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    26 -138 moveto
%%postscript     16 -146 18 -138 0 -145 curveto
%%postscript     0 397 lineto
%%postscript     25 397 lineto
%%postscript     228 300 lineto
%%postscript     26 190 lineto
%%postscript     26 -138 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    grestore
%%postscript } bdef

%%postscript    /quartdiese  {  % usage: str x y quartdiese  
%%postscript    gsave translate 0.022 dup scale
%%postscript    -100 100 translate
%%postscript    newpath
%%postscript    16 48 moveto
%%postscript     292 72 lineto
%%postscript     292 32 lineto
%%postscript     16 8 lineto
%%postscript     16 48 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    164 -152 moveto
%%postscript     164 -152 lineto
%%postscript     164 397 lineto
%%postscript     138 397 lineto
%%postscript     138 -151 lineto
%%postscript     138 -151 lineto
%%postscript     150 -154 151.333 -163.333 164 -152 curveto
%%postscript     164 -152 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    12 210 moveto
%%postscript     288 234 lineto
%%postscript     288 194 lineto
%%postscript     12 170 lineto
%%postscript     12 210 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    grestore
%%postscript } bdef

%%postscript    /quartbemol  {  % usage: str x y quartbemol
%%postscript    gsave translate 0.022 dup scale
%%postscript    -100 100 translate
%%postscript    newpath
%%postscript    10 296 moveto
%%postscript     294 362 lineto
%%postscript     294 332 lineto
%%postscript     14 268 lineto
%%postscript     10 296 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    138 81 moveto
%%postscript     138 397 lineto
%%postscript     164 397 lineto
%%postscript     164 75 lineto
%%postscript     180 91 lineto
%%postscript     184 95 187.333 97.3333 190 98 curveto
%%postscript     198 103 lineto
%%postscript     214 109 lineto
%%postscript     230 111 lineto
%%postscript     250 111 266 105 278 93 curveto
%%postscript     290 81 298 67 302 51 curveto
%%postscript     302 46 lineto
%%postscript     302 31.3333 298 18 290 6 curveto
%%postscript     280 -7 lineto
%%postscript     272.667 -15.6667 264.333 -24.6667 255 -34 curveto
%%postscript     236 -52 lineto
%%postscript     217 -70 lineto
%%postscript     170 -112 lineto
%%postscript     157.333 -123.333 146.667 -136.333 138 -151 curveto
%%postscript     138 81 lineto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    218 -14 moveto
%%postscript     230 14 lineto
%%postscript     232.667 21.3333 234 29.6667 234 39 curveto
%%postscript     234 51 231.667 59.8333 227 65.5 curveto
%%postscript     222.333 71.1667 215.667 74.6667 207 76 curveto
%%postscript     201 76 194 74 186 70 curveto
%%postscript     179.333 65.3333 172 58.6667 164 50 curveto
%%postscript     164 -88 lineto
%%postscript     187.333 -63.3333 205.333 -38.6667 218 -14 curveto
%%postscript    closepath
%%postscript    fill
%%postscript    grestore
%%postscript } bdef

%%deco koron 3 koron 8 0 0
%%deco b 3 quartbemol 8 0 0  

%%deco sori 3 sori 8 0 0
%%deco # 3 quartdiese 8 0 0  

of course it's possible to made many changes for conveniance.

An example of use :

T:Dastgâh-e Esfahân (ancien)
%%MIDI program 111
G A  _B c d !koron! e !=! !sori!f !=! g   |

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