I have finally got the Linux version going.  It can be downloaded at the Sourceforge 

You want the .tgz files for Linux.  Use the no_wx one if you have wxWindows installed 
already, and the full .tgz version otherwise.

I'd be interested in some feedback about how the building process goes.  With Windows 
things are pretty ubiquitous but with Linux there are many variables.  See the 
readme.txt file.

I'd also be interested in  whether or not you can run the executable (the no_wx) one 
directly.  You may need to copy the .so file from the lib directory to the 
/usr/local/lib directory.

If anybody wants to contribute a 'configure' or makefile.in or an RPM, have at it.  My 
UNIX skills (along with many other things ;-) have deteriorated over the last 10 
years, so a Makefile is about all I can fathom.

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