Any testing/feedback from this group would be appreciated.  Esp. you Linux people, I'd 
like to hear how the RPM works and if its easier to build now.

I'm teaching a class now, plus my wife is having a baby, plus I'm moving to 
California, so you might not hear from me for a couple of weeks...

A new version of iabc has been released:

to download:

To find out more:

Here's the release notes:
Release Name: 0.7
Multi-voice Midi Support

Improved Midi player integration

GUI Options for most view, print
 and some MIDI and ABC-extensions.
 Notes can be scaled, margins can be
 set.  Landscape printing.

Improved build options - iabc should now
 build on most UNIXs wiht wxWindows


!..! constructs in general

>> easy-edit cursor

GUI Installers on Windows and Linux (GnoRPM)

Help File and (crude) online Help

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