I'm ducking to dodge all those "poison arrows" from this list about why I bought this thing instead of using their program of choice, but here goes anyway ...

I wanted to have "all the bells and whistles" for transcribing to notation and tab and back again. I really liked the format that Guitar Studio has, but I hate to admit I'm not sure how to go about buying it, since the author wants to be paid in Euros.

Sibelius G7 seemed to be the best bet, but now that I'm trying to use it, I'm finding all the gory details of how wounded it is. :(

For starters, I can't seem to figure out how to make it create a beam between 2 notes. I've been through all there documentation, online help and website help, and I put in for "technical assistance" which they have indicated I will have some response "within 2 or 3 days".

Have any of you used this thing? Do you have any idea of how to go about making actually put in the beams?

Any help would be appreciated.

thank you,
Don Parrish-Bell

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