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I'm new to the list, fairly new to the product, a blind user utilising the NVDA 
screen reader  and this is my first post. 

As a former Excel user, I cannot help but draw comparisons between the two 
products in the way they interact with NVDA and for the fairly simplistic 
spreadsheet requirements I have, there is not much to choose between them.  I 
do have a couple of issues which are annoying but not show-stoppers and they 
may arguably be down to my ignorance of the way Calc works or a problem with 
how NVDA and Calc interact, rather than accessibility issues but to me, the 
distinction is blurred.

In Excel, the cell in focus is always selected (highlighted) and if I use 
Control+c to copy it's value to the clipboard, NVDA will announceCopied to 
clipboard.  If I do the same thing in Calc, NVDA will announceNo 
Selectionhowever, the cell value will be copied to the clipboard.  This is also 
the case if I use Control+Shift+Space toSelect all, all cells are copied to the 
clipboard but NVDA announcesNo Selectionwhen I press Control+c.

The most annoying issue is how NVDA voices numbers.  I formatted a column as 
Currency, 2 decimal places, currency symbol £ and leading minus signs on 
negative numbers.  NVDA does not voice the currency symbol at all, even with 
symbol verbosity set toAlland trailing zeroes on the fractional side of the 
decimal point are truncated. 

My sighted wife tells me the currency symbols and trailing zeroes are present 
on screen and numbers in the column conform to the specified display format.  
Examples -£273.40 is voiced by NVDA as -273.4 and £40.00 is voiced as 40.  The 
issue with trailing zeroes being truncated is also prevalent in numbers 
formatted with decimal places.

I don't know what work has been done on the NVDA side to make Libra Office Calc 
accessible but for the 2 issues described above, NVDA and Calc do not seem to 
be talking to each other correctly.




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