Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] visually impaired people

2020-10-28 Thread Marc Paré
Le 2020-10-27 à 09 h 09, Heiko Tietze a écrit :
> Not sure I have replied. Ticket is
> and decision was 
> made
> to add this font once we have to opportunity to deselect this and other fonts
> during the installation. So it depends on tdf#91886.
> Cheers,
> Heiko
Thanks for reporting back on this. Much appreciated.


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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] visually impaired people

2020-10-27 Thread Heiko Tietze
Not sure I have replied. Ticket is and decision was made
to add this font once we have to opportunity to deselect this and other fonts
during the installation. So it depends on tdf#91886.


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Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] visually impaired people

2020-09-03 Thread Marc Paré
Hi all,

I support the suggestion of adding the Luciole font along with the
LibreOffice package.

While it may seem that this font would be for use of only a small
proportion of users, on the contrary, adding the font would benefit more
than one would suspect such as:

* for visually impaired people
* for jurisdictions where installation of software on any publicly
funded systems must show options for accessibility adaptations
* for jurisdictions where installation of software on any privately
funded systems must follow accessibility legislation or corporate
requirements where software must show options for accessibility adaptations

On these two last points, more and more, various jurisdictions are
requiring that software also cover accessibility options in software
used in government agencies. Adding such fonts would show the
LibreOffice's resolve being serious contenders in the choice of office
suite for government agencies. The same can also be said for any
corporate entity where they may have any specific requirements where any
installed software have accessibility adaptation available to corporate

More and more, government jurisdictions are expecting any software
adopted for use in publicly funded agencies also have accessibility
options for users. A good example is the Accessibility for Ontarians
with Disabilities Act (AODA) which outlines specifics with regards to
accessibility with software services -- the act is now law in Ontario. 
[] .
This pretty well ensures that any corporate entity must fall in line
with the AODA.

So, from the point of the LibreOffice suite and project. If we are to
compete for a place at government and corporate levels and procurement,
or even desktop level, having accessibility options available "right out
the box" would no doubt help with its adoption.

I would hope that for the sake of all other non-European languages, that
similar projects involving specifically created open sourced fonts
(Arabic, Chinese, etc.) similar to the Luciole font project would also
follow. Perhaps at that point, the LibreOffice project could then offer
a separate font package aimed to accessibility needs.

But for now, adding the Luciole font, it surely would not add that much
to the size of the LibreOffice package? If added to the package, then we
could make a big deal of it on our blog making a good case for the
project being supportive of accessibility needs.



Le 20-08-31 à 01 h 37, Heiko Tietze a écrit :
> Hi Jonathan,
> interesting proposal and definitely worth to discuss. While I like the font 
> and
> appreciate any work for a11y, shipping fonts feels wrong to me in general and
> adding more for only a small proportion of users concerns me even more. I 
> would
> prefer either using the OS method of installing fonts and/or providing it via
> extension. But it's my personal opinion and there might be support for your
> idea. So I cross-post to the design people and suggest you write a ticket on
> Bugzilla [1] (if you are proficient in using BZ you may block the meta ticket
> tdf#113305 with all similar requests).
> Cheers,
> Heiko
> [1]
> On 27.08.20 15:38, Jonathan FABREGUETTES wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is my first post here, so please forgive me if I do something wrong or
>> if my English is not clear.
>> I would like to propose a new typeface for *LibreOffice*.
>> The Regional Technical Center for Visual Impairment in France (CTRDV), one
>> of the most important center with specialized transcribers in Europe,
>> has developed during two years a typeface designed specifically for
>> visually impaired people: *Luciole*.
>> Word massing, spacing, the structure of the letters: the concept for
>> *Luciole* adheres to a dozen specific design criteria to provide the best
>> possible reading
>> experience for the visually impaired.
>> Designed for publishing professionals (publishers, teachers and
>> transcribers), it is a powerful tool that contains many signs for
>> mathematical notation
>> and supports almost all European languages.
>> *We already gave 3 presentations on this project:*
>> • at the French Ministry of Culture – Paris, November 2019
>> • at the 8th Journées d'étude NTIC (new technologies for visually impaired
>> people) organized by the FAF (French Association for blind people) at the
>> INJA (French National Institute for the Blind) – Paris, December 2019
>> • at the 2nd RNLA (National Conference of Accessible Book) organized by
>> BrailleNet at Enssib (the French National School of Library and Information
>> Science) – Villeurbanne, January 2020
>> *Selection of articles :*
>> https://www.handicapzero.

Re: [libreoffice-accessibility] visually impaired people

2020-08-30 Thread Heiko Tietze
Hi Jonathan,

interesting proposal and definitely worth to discuss. While I like the font and
appreciate any work for a11y, shipping fonts feels wrong to me in general and
adding more for only a small proportion of users concerns me even more. I would
prefer either using the OS method of installing fonts and/or providing it via
extension. But it's my personal opinion and there might be support for your
idea. So I cross-post to the design people and suggest you write a ticket on
Bugzilla [1] (if you are proficient in using BZ you may block the meta ticket
tdf#113305 with all similar requests).



On 27.08.20 15:38, Jonathan FABREGUETTES wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first post here, so please forgive me if I do something wrong or
> if my English is not clear.
> I would like to propose a new typeface for *LibreOffice*.
> The Regional Technical Center for Visual Impairment in France (CTRDV), one
> of the most important center with specialized transcribers in Europe,
> has developed during two years a typeface designed specifically for
> visually impaired people: *Luciole*.
> Word massing, spacing, the structure of the letters: the concept for
> *Luciole* adheres to a dozen specific design criteria to provide the best
> possible reading
> experience for the visually impaired.
> Designed for publishing professionals (publishers, teachers and
> transcribers), it is a powerful tool that contains many signs for
> mathematical notation
> and supports almost all European languages.
> *We already gave 3 presentations on this project:*
> • at the French Ministry of Culture – Paris, November 2019
> • at the 8th Journées d'étude NTIC (new technologies for visually impaired
> people) organized by the FAF (French Association for blind people) at the
> INJA (French National Institute for the Blind) – Paris, December 2019
> • at the 2nd RNLA (National Conference of Accessible Book) organized by
> BrailleNet at Enssib (the French National School of Library and Information
> Science) – Villeurbanne, January 2020
> *Selection of articles :*
> The *Luciole* typeface has also been chosen as one of the 500 national
> projects labeled by the French National Secretariat for People with
> Disability.
> This project is already freely available: we do not try to *sell* it but to
> *share* it.
> Today, when a visually impaired child uses *Luciole*, he needs to install
> the typeface on its computer, all his school teachers need to do this...
> It would be much more simple to have *Luciole* as a part of *LibreOffice*.
> Do you think it is a good idea? What needs to be done for this? Who should
> I contact?
> To discover the project in detail:
> *
>  *
> Yours truly
> *Jonathan Fabreguettes*
> * *

Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Designer and UX-Mentor
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail:
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
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