Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-accessibility] Shortcuts on a document opened in Writer.

2024-05-15 Thread Michael Weghorn

On 2024-05-15 08:17, Vivien Palcic wrote:
I just tried Tab and Shift-Tab to no avail. On the contrary, I just got 
cells being added (which is the same as would happen in Microsoft Word).

In my tests with NVDA running on Windows, a new row is only inserted 
when pressing Tab when the keyboard focus is in the last cell of the 
table, while otherwise navigation to the previous/next cell happens as 

However, NVDA does not announce the newly focused table cell when 
navigating this way (while it does when navigating using the arrow keys, 
for example).
The Orca screen reader on Linux announces this just fine when doing the 
same there.

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Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-accessibility] Shortcuts on a document opened in Writer.

2024-05-14 Thread Vivien Palcic
I just tried Tab and Shift-Tab to no avail. On the contrary, I just got 
cells being added (which is the same as would happen in Microsoft Word).


On 14/05/2024 10:58 pm, Michael Weghorn wrote:

On 2024-05-13 13:00, Jason J.G. White wrote:
 From memory, Tab and Shift-Tab move cell by cell. Someone more 
familiar with NVDA and LibreOffice might be able to explain what's 
happening with the NVDA table navigation commands.

NVDA's own table navigation commands currently don't work with 
LibreOffice tables.

I had a first look at that quite a while ago, and as far as I 
remember, implementing support for that would need work on both, NVDA 
and LibreOffice side. (I remember running into some issue in Writer 
core code as well back then, but didn't look further into it then.)

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Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-accessibility] Shortcuts on a document opened in Writer.

2024-05-14 Thread Michael Weghorn

On 2024-05-13 13:00, Jason J.G. White wrote:
 From memory, Tab and Shift-Tab move cell by cell. Someone more familiar 
with NVDA and LibreOffice might be able to explain what's happening with 
the NVDA table navigation commands.

NVDA's own table navigation commands currently don't work with 
LibreOffice tables.

I had a first look at that quite a while ago, and as far as I remember, 
implementing support for that would need work on both, NVDA and 
LibreOffice side. (I remember running into some issue in Writer core 
code as well back then, but didn't look further into it then.)

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Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-accessibility] Shortcuts on a document opened in Writer.

2024-05-13 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 13/5/24 03:43, Vivien Palcic wrote:
I have the Navigator turned on, but this isn't helpful when trying to 
navigate within a table - eg between columns or rows etc. It just gets 
me into the table and NVDA reads off the whole lot, whereas I'm trying 
to get around within the table without affecting the contents,
From memory, Tab and Shift-Tab move cell by cell. Someone more familiar 
with NVDA and LibreOffice might be able to explain what's happening with 
the NVDA table navigation commands.

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