Hi Avinash
thanks for the notes and its nice to get have a overview of the points
delivered during the conference.
If you have any articles/texts/reports on disability in india,
especially, regarding the visually challenged, do send it to my
personal mail i d

if you dont mind, share your contact no to speak
thank you

On 11/20/13, avinash shahi <shahi88avin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At the Outset, I should ask was any information regarding this
> confrence was supplied on Access India?
> Below is my notes
> As I start this exercise for my teacher and mentor  to be aware about
> my experience there, I must express my reservation straightaway on the
> Designation of NIVH, why  it is still known as National Institute for
> Visually Handicap. Yes ‘Handicap’. It doesn’t resonate with the
> progress we’ve made over the years  in the country and it is
> politically futile. and I discussed this to one of their
> representatives  out of public view to prepare a proposal to get it
> renamed.  Anyway, Indian Islamic Cultural Centre at Delhi’s Heart
> Lodhi Road Is buzz with More than 150 Blind students, professionals,
> Researchers, Librarians, and of Course Almost All major NGOs Heads
> active in the Field. My Library Head is also here, I'm so glad...
> 3 Security Guards seemed to have been sensitized to help blind
> visitors. And all are greeted by Tags like Madam/sir here not there.
> The venue doesn’t look friendly for people with locomotor disability,
> and Stairs are every where to facilitate your movement In fact, Lunch
> is being served where one has to go 14 stairs down... and again its
> self-serving system. Alas blindness... Main attraction for people like
> me are Many bureaucrats Including Stuti Kakkar, Secretary Department
> of Disability Affairs Well-groomed, welcoming jesture and easy to
> interact thanks to Miss Priya, one of the employees at IICC who helped
> me meet her and gave little description of her  jestures. She sounded
> determined to do something new which has never happened. Then I
> thought was there Department of Disability Affairs before? Anyway she
> discussed many fascets of Department’s innitiatives and promise to do
> more like monitoring of Braille presses…and of course agreed to assist
> me in my field work and visit to her office.
> Now itstime to get ready to pay attention to speakers. I just opened
> the braille sheets given to me checked the list and started thinking
> how this plenary sessions are structured, and those who are going to
> speak in the morning, will get attention from the Government
> bureaucrats because these special individuals are not going to stay
> longer to the venue... So this politics of visibility is well
> manefested there. And I know it happens everywhere. Afterall, all can
> not speak in the morning you know...
> Braille sheets are well-dotted and found names like: Dr Sam, Mr
> Depender , Mr George, Mr Prashant Verma, Mr Ketan Kothari, Mr Nirmal
> Verma, Mr A.K  Mittal, And others.  not only this, sessions are gonna
> be chaired by People like Mr SK Rungta, Madam Kanchan Pamnani Mr Akhil
> Paul, Mr Rama Krishna and others. my laptop is opened now to note:
> what these speakers have to say whom majority of us know as leading
> from the front. All are conversing in English 'language of the
> priviliged'. But in the backside Students are talking in Hindi but
> very slowly, and when any known face crosses these young adults they
> also start murmering in english. Lappy is charged it will work till
> five hours at least… First Plenary session is on Accessibility to
> Banking Services.
> This session is chaired by Mr SK Rungta Who started off by saying:
> ‘Technology can deceive us’, And hailed Aadhar as critical for banking
> services. Then I recalled recent Supreme Court Order which
> categorically states: ‘Aadhar Card is not mendatory for availing
> government  services’.
> Below my rough unedited fast notes from the venue And I couldn't note
> all speakers because had to leave  later in the day.
> First Plainery on Banking session for blind
> Mr SK Rungta is chairing the session.
> Mr Rungta: Coming of Addhar card is very critical for banking services
> There are attitudinal barriers from opening the account to accessing
> other services.
> First speaker: Sam Taraporwala
> Sam: Banks need to go KYC process Know to your customer to realize
> their potential. Blind have diverse banking needs. What rules say:
> after 2008 RBI circular said: blind people are to be treated at par
> with others. IBA in November that year, came out with guidelines which
> said for the operationalization of the guideline. Then in 2009 we had
> an RBI circular providing 1third ATMs accessible for blind people. How
> do we make sure that thinks are inclusive. Today almost 70 percent
> people uses mobile. Banks are fast moving in to automation. There is a
> bigger challenged in convincing people. How technology is enabler we
> need to understand.
> Speaker: Nagesh NayarAccessibility in ATMs
> He started with asking slue of questions
> HSBC braught first ATm in India. 1.6 lakhs. SBI put up a branch on
> Fairy boat. Union bank establishment its branch on Aryahant
> Vikramaditya. First Accessible ATM was installed in canada by Canada
> Royal bank. When first ATm was installed in US in 1999. So when was
> India’s first ATM was installed in 2012 by Union Bank of India. India
> has more than 5000 Accessible ATMs. It displayes graphics, pictures
> and textures. ADA of Us is the foundation document has been emulated
> by other states to make public services accessible to Blind users.
> Voice guidance solution was demonstrated to banks. Union bank
> installed its first ATM in 2012. In febuary 2013 IBA has issued a
> guideline on how to make Accessible ATMs. We have accessibility out in
> the street today. We need to put all Talking ATms listing on Virtual
> map so that blind users can find the Talking ATm location in their
> City.
> Next speaker: Ketan Kothari on Mobile Banking
> First technology reaches to anybody is none other than Mobile Phone.
> Mobile banking is the solution for banking services to remote residing
> people. USSD Unstructured Sppplementary Service data. We can transact
> multitude os transaction without sighted assistance. Who can have
> mobile banking? IVRS can not offer all the services on Mobile. TRAI hs
> not come up single connectivity which facilitates USSd. All the NGOs
> working in the field need to advocate for better services from banks
> for blind people.
> Second Session on Accessibility of Web and online services
> Department of Electronic Ministry of Information and Technology has
> been pursuing various policies which ensure that Web Portal is
> accessible to all. We have issued the guidelines to make web portal
> accessible and online content accessible. SSTC Standard testing
> quality certification is the norm which website owner have to go
> through.
> Speaker: Dr Narmita Narsihman on Web Accessibility
> Accessible website is essential to use all services these. To download
> books, to access banking services and so on,. Accessibility is a
> measure of aproduct that can be accessed effectively by persons with
> disability. If you can’t listen Audio capture then its of no use. 2.0
> Web accessibility guidelines She is showing the video now…
> Where disabled are talking their experience of trouble while accessing
> Web portals.
> Maharashtra Government is giving hand on training to developers to
> make web portals accessible.
> Next speaker: Miss Verma
> Today’s wgovernment websites have difficulty in accessing websites.
> www.guidelines.com is a website where you can ask your query to access
> services. If I try to make non-accessibility site in to an accessible
> site then it costs a lost in retrofeeting.Previous guidelines were not
> there for access services on mobile.
> 67 Comprehensive guidelines hav been prepared now whidh will be
> implemented across government websites. NIC is doing training for
> government employees who are involved in designing web
> portals.Ministry has award for an accessible website.
> Next Speaker: Prashant Verma on accessibility of websites
> “I have done the survey of few Indian websites and tried to find
> whether Indian websites have complied to the standards of WCAG or
> not.” “I have found 3 barriers:,  No structural Mark up is very big
> problem because it is non existant where lebles are not in the heading
> style. Grafical content doesn’t have enough description in it. As far
> ass Government websites are concerned good news  is that lot of
> website which are developed these days are now accessible.He is now
> with the help of slides the Department of Science and Technology
> website...
> Now MSJE website is on the screen…
> Now parliament of India website followed by Central Information
> Commission’s website on the screen.
> Next session Reading books
> First speaker: Dependra Manucha
> Braille books, DAISY and e-Text books are used by blind people fo
> their study purpose. Brqille translate softwres cover 19 Languages out
> of 23. Then OCR which converts image in to recognizable format.
> Assistive technology to be able to read it. Less than one people in
> India use assistive technology in India to access Reading and other
> web services. Only forty thousands people are registered with various
> libraries catering the needs of Visually Challenged people. DAISY
> Forum is an compelation of 92 Different organisations in the world. We
> can not re-publish or re-create all published in an accessible
> formats.
> Next speaker: Ms. Elizabeth Gai Beaumon: Benetech
> is a really non-profit Organisation deals in software developing. Benetech
> runs the global literacy programme. We started to work in India in
> 2008. Bookshare has more than 2 Lakhs sixty thousands members. We
> upload books in eight Indian Languages. How bookshare works in terms
> of partners we work with DAISY Forum of India. Booksaare is growing by
> 3 thousands to 5 thousands books per month. And we have tied up with
> big publishers like Sage, And 20 Indian Publishers.George Khushraw
> General Secretary of DAISY Consudium.
> Next Session: Access to Digital Television
> Speaker: Mr George Abraham: He starts off  in an energetic voice by
> invoking 3 passions of Indians. Cricket, Politics and Bollywood. And
> Audience responds in an expected fashion. Accessibility to TV and Set
> of Boxes is a bigger challenge for blind people. We don't know when
> our desired channel is clicked and where it is while nevagating
> through remote. He discusses his bitter experience with Tata Sky. And
> advocates for audio discription of screen display.
> Next Speaker Mr. Richard Orm: He starts off with talking about
> 'Talking TV'... He also demonstrates few Audio/Vidio sounds bits to
> make audience aware about how your experience of viewing TV is
> inclusive when you are described the happenings on the screen. He is
> now giving some stats about blind viewership in UK. then talking about
> Panasonic invention of Talking TV where remote is talking, when you
> change channel it tells you the name of the channel and the programme.
> This presentation is very engaging,you know...
> Sorry I missed the last session because have to leave for campus
> feeling headake... But would like to share my worth-noting write up
> that that many sessions were chaired by those who themselves said:
> 'beginner in technology', And it was worth-pondering where majority of
> listeners are  blind many blind themselves gave PPT presentations...
> Perhaps this is the norm these days...
> But overall, my first experience to listen to almost all known faces
> at one place on single day who are active in the field in various
> capacities will help me in planning future plann how to go take
> further disability activism and movement. And time has ripped to move
> out of Delhi, please...
> --
> Avinash Shahi
> M.Phil Research Scholar
> Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
> Jawaharlal Nehru University
> New Delhi India
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cheers raghu

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