Patrick Perdue, a radio enthusiast who is blind, regularly shopped for
equipment through the website of Ham Radio Outlet. The website’s code
allowed him to easily move through the sections of each page with his
keyboard, his screen reader speaking the text.

That all changed when the store started using an automated
accessibility tool, often called an accessibility overlay, that is
created and sold by the company accessiBe. Suddenly, the site became
too difficult for Mr. Perdue to navigate. The accessiBe overlay
introduced code that was supposed to fix any original coding errors
and add more accessible features. But it reformatted the page, and
some widgets — such as the checkout and shopping cart buttons — were
hidden from Mr. Perdue’s screen reader. Labels for images and buttons
were coded incorrectly. He could no longer find the site’s search box
or the headers he needed to navigate each section of the page, he

Mr. Perdue is one of hundreds of people with disabilities who have
complained about issues with automated accessibility web services,
whose popularity has risen sharply in recent years because of advances
in A.I. and new legal pressures on companies to make their websites

Over a dozen companies provide these tools. Two of the largest,
AudioEye and UserWay, are publicly traded and reported revenues in the
millions in recent financial statements. Some charge monthly fees
ranging from about $50 to about $1,000, according to their websites,
while others charge annual fees in the several-hundred-dollar or
thousand-dollar range. (Pricing is typically presented in tiers and
depends on how many pages a site has.) These companies list major
corporations like Hulu, eBay and Uniqlo, as well as hospitals and
local governments, among their clients.

Built into their pitch is often a reassurance that their services will
not only help people who are blind or low vision use the internet more
easily but also keep companies from facing the litigation that can
arise if they don’t make their sites accessible.

But it’s not working out that way. Users like Mr. Perdue say the
software offers little help, and some of the clients that use
AudioEye, accessiBe and UserWay are facing legal action anyway. Last
year, more than 400 companies with an accessibility widget or overlay
on their website were sued over accessibility, according to data
collected by a digital accessibility provider.

“I’ve not yet found a single one that makes my life better,” said Mr.
Perdue, 38, who lives in Queens. He added, “I spend more time working
around these overlays than I actually do navigating the website.”

Last year, over 700 accessibility advocates and web developers signed
an open letter calling on organizations to stop using these tools,
writing that the practical value of the new features was “largely
overstated” and that the “overlays themselves may have accessibility
problems.” The letter also noted that, like Mr. Perdue, many blind
users already had screen readers or other software to help them while

AudioEye, UserWay and accessiBe said they shared the goal of making
websites more accessible, acknowledging to some extent that their
products aren’t perfect. Lionel Wolberger, the chief operating officer
of UserWay, said the company had apologized for the issues with its
tools and had worked to fix them, pledging to do the same for anyone
else who points out problems. AccessiBe declined to answer questions
about specific criticisms of its product, but Josh Basile, a spokesman
for the company, criticized the open letter against overlays, saying
it was “pushing the conversation in the wrong direction.” He added,
though, that the company was willing to learn from feedback.

All three companies said their products would get better over time,
and both AudioEye and UserWay said they were investing in research and
development to improve artificial intelligence abilities.

David Moradi, the chief executive of AudioEye, said his automated
service and others like it were the only way to fix the internet’s
millions of active websites — a vast majority of which are not
accessible for people who are blind or low vision. “Automation has to
come into play. Otherwise, we’re never going to fix this problem, and
this is a massive problem,” he said.

Accessibility experts, however, would prefer that companies not use
automated accessibility overlays. Ideally, they say, organizations
would hire and train full-time employees to oversee these efforts. But
doing so can be difficult.

“There is absolutely a call for people with accessibility experience,
and the jobs are out there,” said Adrian Roselli, who has worked as a
digital accessibility consultant for two decades. “The skills aren’t
there yet to match because it’s been such a niche industry for so

This gap, he said, has given the companies selling automated
accessibility tools a chance to proliferate, offering websites
seemingly quick solutions to their accessibility problems while
sometimes making it harder for people who are blind to navigate the

On accessiBe’s website, for example, the company claims that in “up to
48 hours” after its JavaScript code is installed, a client’s page will
be “accessible and compliant” with the American With Disabilities Act,
which the Department of Justice made clear in recent guidance applied
to all online goods and services offered by public businesses and

Mr. Moradi of AudioEye says the company advises its customers to use,
in addition to an automated tool, accessibility experts to manually
fix any errors. But AudioEye has no control over whether clients
follow its advice, he said. He advocates a hybrid solution that
combines automation and manual fixes, and says he expects automation
abilities to gradually improve.

“We try to be very transparent about this and say, ‘Automation will do
a lot, but it won’t do everything. It’s going to get better and better
over time,’” he said.

Blind and low vision people say it is unreasonable to ask them to wait
for automated products to get better when using websites is
increasingly required for everyday tasks. Common issues, such as
buttons and images that are not labeled despite the use of an overlay,
can prevent Brian Moore, 55, who is blind and lives in Toronto, from
ordering a pizza, he said.

In addition to poorly labeled images, buttons and forms, blind users
have documented issues with overlays that include being unable to use
their keyboards to navigate web pages either because headings on the
page are not properly marked or because certain parts of the page are
not searchable or selectable. Other times, automated tools have turned
every piece of text on a page into a heading, preventing users from
easily jumping to the section of a website they want to read.

Mr. Moore said he had experienced trouble completing tasks like buying
a laptop, claiming his employee benefits, booking transportation and
completing banking transactions on websites that had overlays.

“If the object is to make it more accessible, and you can’t fix the
basic issues, what value are you adding?” he said.
Issues with accessibility can also make it challenging for people to
do their jobs. LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, a
nonprofit advocacy and education organization in San Francisco,
recently sued the human-resources software company Automatic Data
Processing, which had been using an automated accessibility tool from
AudioEye. Despite the overlay, there were “many, many instances where
blind employees could not do their jobs,” said Bryan Bashin, the
organization’s chief executive. The lawsuit was settled through a deal
in which ADP agreed to improve its accessibility and to not rely
solely on overlays.

ADP did not respond to questions about the lawsuit but said it “highly
values digital inclusion.”

“We’re in a state of the Wild West right now,” Mr. Bashin said,
referring to the array of accessibility software, the quality of which
he said could vary widely.

Even so, he said LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired was
not against these types of tools. He could imagine a future in which
automated software drastically improved online experiences for blind
people — that’s just not the reality at the moment.

“I think A.I. will get this right, even if it is a mixed bag right now
— just like A.I. is going to eventually give us autonomous vehicles,”
he said. “But, if you’ve noticed, I’m not driving one right now.”
Amanda Morris is a 2021-2022 disability reporting fellow for the National desk.

सादर/ Regards

अविनाश शाही/ Avinash Shahi
सहायक/ Assistant
मानव संसाधन प्रबंध विभाग/ Human Resource Management Department
भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक/ Reserve Bank of India
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