Corporate Dossier asked expatriate CEOs to describe the most
incorrigible traits of Indian work culture. The list we've compiled
might upset   us but yet interesting....

We're always late

 Seasoned expats have given up complaining about this quirk, except
for a few German and Japanese CEOs, who still feel the pain every time
they see an Indian colleague sauntering into a meeting 15 minutes

 Makoto Kitai, MD, Mitsubishi Electric India, remembers fondly his
days in Japan, when everyone would actually arrive five minutes early.
"In India, being late by 15 minutes for a meeting is not considered to
be late," he sighs. "Schedules go haywire in India but people don't

 If only our lack of punctuality was confined only to meetings!
"Whether it a dinner or a larger function, I now assume that guests
will arrive at least one hour late," says Philipp von Sahr, President
of BMW Group India.

We're very argumentative

 Indians, as Nobel laureate Amartya Sen tells us, are argumentative by
nature and given the opportunity, we will debate and discuss till the
cows at home. Jean-Christophe Lettelier got a taste of this as soon as
he took charge at L'Oreal India last year. The meetings he conducted
would go on interminably with everyone going in circles.

 "Maybe it's because of an inductive approach to understanding things,
but Indians make things more complex than they really are," he says.
"I value the depth of thinking, but sometimes I have to just close the
topic. Else there is complete chaos."

 Mitsubishi's Makoto Kitai is another expat CEO who has had a hard
time conducting meetings. "Japanese are very good listeners. We as a
culture never speak out of turn which ensures that our suggestion
would be asked every time. My Indian colleagues, on the other hand,
are very ardent speakers and are always impatient when it comes to an
opportunity to articulate their views," he says. We also have a
propensity to get into time consuming discussions just about anywhere.

 As Tetsuya Takano, MD of Ricoh India points out: "In India it's easy
to form a discussion group. You only have to ask someone something and
suddenly five people are around you and you can discuss anything. The
preferable subject is politics."

We're confusingly diverse

 After a year at the Hyatt Goa, Glen Peat thought he had Indian work
culture figured out -- then he was transferred to Mumbai. Now the chief
of the Hyatt Ludhiana, the New Zealander says, "Punjabis are so very
different from South Indians and the people of Delhi are so different
from the people in Mumbai.

 At first, I thought everyone in India speaks Hindi. It takes a lot of
adjusting for an expat used to a uniform national culture." Expat CEOs
invariably see India's diversity as one of its strengths, but truth be
told, it takes getting used to. "The diversity poses quite a challenge
in terms of unanimity of operations, tweaking the offerings to
different needs," says Volvo Auto India MD Tomas Ernberg.

 Besides managing your own work force, the diversity factor also plays
an important role in market success. "It's both a challenge and an
opportunity, as there is no one way of doing business or dealing with
people. Something that works in Mumbai may not work in Chennai or
Kochi. So, India allows the expatriate to use his creative side," says
Ricoh India's Takano.

It takes 3 of us to fix a light bulb

 the first time are usually struck by how establishments there manage
with so few people. It's the other way round for expats in India.
Dmitry Shukov, CEO of MTS India was amazed to see eight people pushing
the boarding ladder at the airport the first time he arrived in Delhi.

 "In Russia there is just one person doing that job. In sec tors like
retail, there is always excess staff in India," he says. It's also
very common in the hospitality industry, where guests are pampered
with a level of service unheard of in the West. But splitting one
person's job among three not only reduces wages, but also the
challenge. Or, as Rex Nijhof, the Dutch chief of the Renaissance
Mumbai Hotel puts it: "If you have something heavy and only two people
available to move it, you have to find a way to build wheels on it. In
India, you just get six more people."

We're too emotional

 Indians are highly engaged with their work, which makes us more
emotional about it. This can be disconcerting for expats used to a
less engaged workforce, going about with stoic expressions.

 "People here wear their heart on their sleeve, which is something I
love," says Ben Salmon, a former diplomat with the Australian High
commission, who is now CE0 and Co-founder of Bangalore's Assetz
Property Group. "The flip side of it is that you can't criticise
someone's work without visibly upsetting them. If there's bad news, it
has to be carefully packaged."

 This makes simple performance appraisals a herculean task in Indian
workplaces. Bosses are wary about giving negative feedback, however
constructive it may be, since the receiver is quite likely to fly into
a rage or burst into tears. "During performance reviews, Indian
managers tend to give only positive feedback and leave the criticism
unsaid," says L'Oreal's Jean-Christophe Lettelier.

We don't trust easily

 ''There seems to be a trust deficit in Indian business and society in
general which makes business par ties wary of each other until a
relationship develops," says John Kilmartin, Director of IDA Ireland,
the Irish government 's foreign investment agency.

 The lack of trust extends to international brands and often
translates into behaviour that expat CEOs find surprising. "For some
reason, customers in India tend to escalate issues very quickly. May
be this is due to lack of trust? Regardless of why this happens, we
need to convince customers that we will always be fair and do the
right thing for them," says Nigel Harris, president and managing
director, Ford India.

 But once the trust is earned, it tends to be strong. "The culture in
India is such that if you earn a person's trust, you'll be treated
like family. People in India are extremely cautious....but once
on-board, their loyalty's commendable," says Michael Mayer, Director,
Volkswagen Passenger Cars.

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