Most people in the Western world favour assisted suicide. The law
should reflect their will
Jul 19th 2014 | From the print edition
AFTER suffering a stroke on a business trip Tony Nicklinson, a former
rugby player and skydiver, developed locked-in syndrome, an incurable
condition that leaves a patient aware but unable to move or talk.
Nicklinson learned to communicate by blinking his eyes and thus was
able to describe his terrible suffering. Imprisoned in his corporeal
cell with no chance of escape, he wanted to die. But since Britain
does not permit assisted suicide, his "living nightmare" continued.
Death is a fearful thing, but it is the pain of life that leaves many
ill people in despair. Like Nicklinson, some people would like to die
peacefully, at a time of their choosing and with the assistance of a
doctor. Their desire for a humane end should not offend liberal
societies, which rest on the principle of self-determination, so long
as one's actions do not harm others. This newspaper supports making
assisted suicide legal. So, according to polls, do more than
two-thirds of Americans and western Europeans.
You might then wonder why more governments do not guarantee the right
to an easeful death. Only a handful of countries allow certain
individuals to take their own lives with a doctor's help. A few others
are passing laws, or--contemplating them (see article), as Britain's
is. A bill in its House of Lords has a few more restrictions than The
Economist would want. But that is no reason to oppose it. Liberal or
not, politicians should move slowly when it comes to complex moral
issues, which, whatever your views, this certainly is.
Go gentle
The arguments against assisted suicide are strongly held. Many people
object on moral or religious grounds, while some doctors say that it
conflicts with their oath to "do no harm". Opponents add that
vulnerable people may feel pressure to spare their carers the
burden--or, worse, may be bullied into choosing suicide. And there is a
broader argument that allowing assisted suicide in some cases will
create a slippery slope, with ever more people being allowed (or
forced) to take their own lives, even for trivial reasons.
But the arguments in favour are more compelling. In a pluralistic
society, the views of one religion should not be imposed on everybody.
Those with a genuine moral objection to assisted suicide need not
participate. What a doctor sees as harm a patient may see as relief;
and anyway it is no longer standard for medical students to take the
Hippocratic oath. The hardest argument concerns vulnerable people:
they may indeed feel pressure, but that is simply a reason to set up a
robust system of counselling and psychiatric assessment, requiring the
agreement of several doctors that a patient is in their right mind and
proceeding voluntarily.
It is also true that as some countries relax their restrictions on
assisted suicide, the practice will become more common and there will
probably be pressure for other restrictions to be removed. But there
is nothing unusual in this. Moral absolutes are rare. When faced with
dilemmas societies draw boundaries and carve out exceptions. In even
the seemingly clearest of cases, such as the prohibition on killing,
exceptions are made for things like war and self-defence. Assisted
suicide is no different and each society's boundaries will no doubt
differ and evolve, as they already have. The Netherlands and Belgium
legalised assisted suicide in 2001 and 2002, but only the latter has
approved the practice for terminally ill children.
There is much to be said for the breadth of the Swiss model, which
allows assisted suicide in most cases. But on such an emotive and
contentious issue politicians should reflect society, not lead it.
Taboos are created by the people of a country; when they lift them,
change goes more smoothly. Most in the West now seem ready to end the
one on assisted suicide for the terminally ill. They should be allowed
to work out how much further they want to go. Gradualism, therefore,
is warranted.
The bill in the House of Lords would make assisted suicide legal in
Britain for the first time, but require an individual wanting to die
to be assessed by two doctors and be judged to have less than six
months to live. He then would have to administer the lethal drugs
himself. The current proposal would not have helped Nicklinson, whose
death was not imminent. (After being denied the right to die by
Britain's high court in 2012, he refused food and finally succumbed to
pneumonia.) But it would still give several thousand Britons a year
the chance to escape the sort of pain that Nicklinson suffered from,
and would gradually increase public support for further
liberalisation. We hope that it passes.

Avinash Shahi
M.Phil Research Scholar
Centre for The Study of Law and Governance
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi India

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